greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 13
th, 2014 at 6:50pm:
sir prince duke alevine wrote on Jul 13
th, 2014 at 6:48pm:
Ahhh 18 pages and ignorance from our righty best fwends continues I see.
Illegal? Nope
Country shopping? Nope
Argue using facts not stupidity.
Some of it is stupidity, however, a lot of it is just irrational bigotry and fear.
It's sad to see our country regress this way.
I blame Abbott.
most of it is common sense.
if people want to help the poor of other nations, then this is good, go dig a well, take over our excess books and farming equipment.
make all grade 12 kids do 6 weeks helping out in botswana.
we can be compassionate and use common sense.
common sense says that no country on earth ever has , or ever will operate an open border policy.
so lets get on with having the government focus on the movers and shakers in the economy so we can grow rich and help our fellow man in africa or wherever.
lets not have this nonsense from the do-gooders who seek only to burden the movers and shakers with more dead weight to carry.
we are pretty tired from carrying the dead weight of the do gooders already. all those cashing in on the "assylum seeker industry" are no different from those cashing in on the aboriginal industry.
and again , who helps the aborigine and who helps the kid in africa get a vaccine.
the good old mover and shaker capatilist. twiggy forrest and bill gates do more for these people than Julian burnside and david marr and SHY ever will.
so how about the hand wringers and do-gooders please get out of the way.