sir prince duke alevine wrote on Jul 14
th, 2014 at 7:53am:
aquascoot wrote on Jul 14
th, 2014 at 7:00am:
75 % on welfare after 5 years.
amongst family reunion members it goes up to 80 %.
factual enough for you gweggy
that makes them not genuine?
The Australian battler is already getting up in the dark and commuting for an hour and a half , working all day, returning home in the dark and going to bed knackered.
The Australian battler has enough of a burden to carry.
Why add rocks to his backpack.
It is cruel and unusual punishment to expect him to carry the burden of housing, clothing and feeding these non contributors.
make the wrong thing hard and the right thing easy.
the wrong thing is coming illegally to bludge. make it super hard (morrison has done this).
The right thing is coming with resources and contributing.
Hawke and Howard recognised this with the importation of hard working Asians with $1000,000 in the bank.
make it easy for these high rollers, lay out the welcome mat.
If there is a boat leaving china with 150 chinese engineers, business men and entreprenuers and they each have a million US in their hand luggage, Morrsion should organise a naval escort direct to darling harbour.
Be patriotic and lets get the country going again.