Gnads wrote on Jul 13 th, 2014 at 6:22pm: greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 13 th, 2014 at 5:50pm: Gnads wrote on Jul 13 th, 2014 at 5:45pm: greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 13 th, 2014 at 5:38pm: Gnads wrote on Jul 13 th, 2014 at 5:29pm: greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 13 th, 2014 at 11:19am: Gnads wrote on Jul 13 th, 2014 at 11:13am: greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 13 th, 2014 at 11:09am: Quote:The terms asylum-seeker and refugee are often confused: an asylum-seeker is someone who says he or she is a refugee, but whose claim has not yet been definitively evaluated. Thanks for proving my point, ian. " ... someone who says ... "Not, "someone who is a refugee". If they say they are a refugee, seeking asylum, they are indeed a genuine asylum seeker (your definition clearly proves that point). However, they are not a genuine refugee until their claim has been (positively) evaluated. This is not "pedantic semantics":, and it's important to understand the difference if one wants to engage in debate on the subject ( I'm looking at you, Gnads). How's that going for you .... have they got new technology for your Labrador & White cane? Do you often mock people with disabilities? No ... but you seem blind to any other point of view but your own. I'm not putting forward a "point of view", I'm pointing out simple facts. Asylum seekers and refugees are not the same thing. All refugees were once asylum seekers, but not all asylum seekers turn out to be refugees.
There's no such thing as a "non genuine asylum seeker".
Asylum seekers say they are refugees, but we don't know for sure if they are. What we do know for sure, is that if they say they are refugees seeking asylum, they are genuine asylum seekers.
However, that doesn't mean they are genuine refugees.All facts. Not my personal "point of view", but facts. What a lot of mumbo jumbo Actually, it's all very, very basic stuff ( and all 100% accurate).However, I can understand why it might be giving you some grief. The simplest thing for you to do, is to find an adult and ask them to put forward some sort of evidence that proves me wrong. i.e. substantiate your claim of, what was it again? ... oh yes, "mumbo jumbo". I'll be here waiting, so I look forward to your response. Cheers. Of course it is how remiss of me... That's OK, we you all learn from our your mistakes.