Karnal wrote on Jul 11
th, 2014 at 10:01am:
aquascoot wrote on Jul 11
th, 2014 at 9:38am:
Karnal wrote on Jul 11
th, 2014 at 9:30am:
Eric Abetz must have a hotline to the editor of the Tele.
The Libs agreed to Palmer’s "wrecking ball" demands, and only realized their mistake later.
Thank heavens the grown-ups are back in charge.

Its not a matter of wrecking balls or grown ups.
Palmer will play them and the longer he does the more incompetent they look.
Like a festering absess, go in hard with the sharp steel.
politics is all about winning.
Er, government is all about governing, dear. Stability and predictability in government was another of those Abbott promises that are now by the wayside - Mr Abbott even promised not to do any deals with minor parties.
But tell me this - what would have been the point of getting rid of the carbon tax
if the savings were not passed onto consumers? If yesterday's bill had gone through, the last 4 years of carbon tax moans would have been for nought. The Libs would have removed the tax.
But consumers would be paying exactly the same for CO2 products.
Politics might be about winning, but it's about winning things for Australian voters.
How can you tell how much prices should drop. some businesses would have absorbed the costs, some wouldn't, it would require an army of public servants to work out who should reduce what and by how much.
Its why governments should stick to their core business
Border security
Employing a few cleaners at the war memorial
And funding a competitive private sector to run health, education, transport, science.
A good government, like a good child , should be seen but not heard.
Tony should go on a bike ride round OZ or go ride a quad bike through an aboriginal reserve and declare Canberra officially closed.
Just hand it all over to the private sector. It appears the public sector are incapable of doing anything but going round in circles.