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The cost of Palmers' demands (Read 1575 times)
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The cost of Palmers' demands
Jul 11th, 2014 at 8:50am
CLIVE Palmer has become the wrecking ball of Australian politics, carving a further $10 billion hole out of the federal Budget this week with a series of stunts that senior Coalition­ members now claim are based on one motive only — to destroy the Abbott government. 
Yesterday the erratic mining baron and member for Fairfax spectacularly reneged on a second promise to support the repeal of the carbon tax, with three of his PUP senators voting with the Greens and Labor to defeat the bill.

The 11th-hour backflip has sparked a new fiscal crisis for the government, which now faces the possible blockage of an estimated $55 billion in Budget measures.

It is also the second rejection by the senate of a bill to abolish the tax, providing yet another trigger for Prime Minister Tony Abbott to call a double-dissolution election.

But with the carbon tax set to dominate parliament again next week — the last before the winter break — there are fears that crucial national security legislation due to be introduced next week may be delayed until later in the year.

Last night the controversial figure then created more headlines when he stormed out of an interview for ABC’s 7.30 when the questions moved from his party’s actions towards the carbon tax repeal to his legal battle with a Chinese business partner.

Palmer justified his party’s decision to vote against the repeal of the carbon tax by accusing the government of failing to circulate his amendments to impose penalties on companies that failed to pass on cost savings to consumers, which the government had agreed to at 9.30am.

Coalition sources, however, now fear Mr Palmer is deliberately attempting to scuttle the bills after it was revealed his amendments were unconstitutional, as they were drafted as a tax instead of a penalty and would not have been able to be introduced into the senate anyway.

While the government was careful not to antagonise Mr Palmer, ministers concede privately they’re at a loss as to how to deal with him.

The government will reintroduce the bills to the lower house next Monday, with Mr Palmer’s amendments for 250 per cent fines for companies who fail to pass on savings.

It will attempt to gag debate to ensure the bills are able to reach the senate again by Monday afternoon, where a guillotine will be used to bring on an immediate vote. Government sources conceded that if it failed for a third time to get the repeal bill passed, the promise to axe the tax could be doomed.

“If it doesn’t pass Monday, then it will be a sign that Palmer is not interested and he is just playing politics,” a senior source said.

This week, Mr Palmer has exacted demands that would punch a further $10 billion hole in the Budget — including threats to block government bills to abolish income tax cuts, low-income compensation measures and abolition of the school kids bonus.

Ricky Muir, the Motoring Enthusiast senator from Victoria, is also demanding the government retain the Australian Renewable Energy Agency, punching a further $1.5 billion hole in the budget savings.

The government claims the total Budget measures under threat from a coalition of Labor, Greens and PUP senators threatening to block various bills has reached $55 billion — more than the deficit it was left with by the former Labor government.

Environment minister Greg Hunt warned the carbon tax needed to be repealed sooner rather than later to achieve savings for consumers, with business and power companies in limbo. “At the moment, every day is an $11 million cost in power bills to families and businesses but it is also important that the markets are given the certainty and we are hopeful, and we believe that it is necessary, that these bills should be passed by the end of next week,” he said.

PUP senators Glenn Lazarus, Jacqui Lambie and Dio Wang voted with Labor and the Greens to defeat the repeal bills yesterday. The Greens welcomed the vote.

The Business Council of Australia said the delays were causing uncertainty, releasing data showing the carbon tax was responsible for 20 per cent of the electricity bill of a large business and 6 per cent for a typical home.

BCA president Catherine Livingstone said: “Repealing the carbon tax must be the first step in reducing Australia’s electricity prices and developing a coherent and integrated energy and climate change policy that maintains our competitiveness and energy advantages while helping Australia to contribute to global emissions reductions. Failure by the parliament to repeal the carbon tax by next week will create significant uncertainty for businesses.’’
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John Smith
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Re: The cost of Palmers' demands
Reply #1 - Jul 11th, 2014 at 8:52am
the libs can't help it ... everything they touch turns to sh1t

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President Elect, The Mechanic
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Re: The cost of Palmers' demands
Reply #2 - Jul 11th, 2014 at 8:53am
if I was abbott I would leave the mining tax in place...

make changes to it so that it actually pays..

unlike the way that the incompetent Labor/Green coalition left it..  Roll Eyes
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Re: The cost of Palmers' demands
Reply #3 - Jul 11th, 2014 at 8:56am
No one can deny that Abbott has a mandate to scrap the carbon tax, just like Gillard never had a mandate to introduce it. Smiley
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John Smith
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Re: The cost of Palmers' demands
Reply #4 - Jul 11th, 2014 at 9:00am
Armchair_Politician wrote on Jul 11th, 2014 at 8:56am:
No one can deny that Abbott has a mandate to scrap the carbon tax, just like Gillard never had a mandate to introduce it. Smiley

gillard didn't ever claim she had a mandate to intoduce it  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Re: The cost of Palmers' demands
Reply #5 - Jul 11th, 2014 at 9:04am
In the lead-up to the September 2013 election, three parties promised to repeal the carbon tax: the Coalition, Labor and PUP. Two of the three are now reneging  on that promise. Two of the three cannot be trusted. Two of the three deserve to be punished by voters at the next election. The Coalition has a massive mandate to repeal the carbon tax - that is a fact that is simply beyond debate. Unless Labor wants to remain in Opposition indefinitely and PUP wants to be a one-term wonder, they need to get behind the government on this repeal bill.
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Re: The cost of Palmers' demands
Reply #6 - Jul 11th, 2014 at 9:18am
Clive is a fat oaf, dumb, self serving piece of jello and his PUP senators are the most shockingly retarded ,unfit for office, personality disordered numpties.

Now the fact that Abbott, Hockey, Corman ,Abetz etc would be played for absolute fools by this bunch of low lifes, shows just how inept they are.

Shame, rightards, Shame.

Call a DD , put a small business person in every electorate, run with Morrison at the helm and tell the Australian people to get their act together and stop voting in this unrepresentative swill.

PUP, motoring enthusiasts, what a banana republic.

Better to go down with a loss then preside over this circus
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Re: The cost of Palmers' demands
Reply #7 - Jul 11th, 2014 at 9:24am
aquascoot wrote on Jul 11th, 2014 at 9:18am:
Clive is a fat oaf, dumb, self serving piece of jello and his PUP senators are the most shockingly retarded ,unfit for office, personality disordered numpties.

Now the fact that Abbott, Hockey, Corman ,Abetz etc would be played for absolute fools by this bunch of low lifes, shows just how inept they are.

Shame, rightards, Shame.

Call a DD , put a small business person in every electorate, run with Morrison at the helm and tell the Australian people to get their act together and stop voting in this unrepresentative swill.

PUP, motoring enthusiasts, what a banana republic.

Better to go down with a loss then preside over this circus


and the left are smirking in the shadows they do know if they get back in he will turn his other face towards them... he has several..he hates labor more than the libs.. but he is careful with his words and is soooo petty and vindictive he doesnt care what he does to this country...



once again it was only a few short months ago he said he would vote out the carbon tax...oh boy..

do we ever deserve what we get... well some of us.
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Australian Politics

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Re: The cost of Palmers' demands
Reply #8 - Jul 11th, 2014 at 9:30am
Oh, we're talking stunts now are we?

How about the government truncating debate yesterday to force an early vote, meaning the amendment could not be considered as it had not been placed two hours from the vote?

How about the government trying to pull a fast one on Palmer by drawing up the amendment and making it completely toothless in contradiction to what had previously been negotiated?

It is through the Liberals own utter incompetence yesterday that we still have a carbon tax.
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Pete Waldo wrote on Jan 15th, 2014 at 11:24pm:
Thus killing those Canaanite babies while they were still innocent, was a particularly merciful act
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Australian Politics

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Re: The cost of Palmers' demands
Reply #9 - Jul 11th, 2014 at 9:30am
Eric Abetz must have a hotline to the editor of the Tele.

The Libs agreed to Palmer’s "wrecking ball" demands, and only realized their mistake later.

Thank heavens the grown-ups are back in charge.
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Re: The cost of Palmers' demands
Reply #10 - Jul 11th, 2014 at 9:34am
To be fair, the title should read, the cost of Palmer's spotlighting liberal incompetence and squirminess...
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On the 26th of January you are all invited to celebrate little white penal day...

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Re: The cost of Palmers' demands
Reply #11 - Jul 11th, 2014 at 9:38am
Karnal wrote on Jul 11th, 2014 at 9:30am:
Eric Abetz must have a hotline to the editor of the Tele.

The Libs agreed to Palmer’s "wrecking ball" demands, and only realized their mistake later.

Thank heavens the grown-ups are back in charge.

Wink Wink
Its not a matter of wrecking balls or grown ups.
Palmer will play them and the longer he does the more incompetent they look.
Like a festering absess, go in hard with the sharp steel.

politics is all about winning.

The people don't want to have to vote again, they don't want the carbon tax,
Attack now, call palmers bluff and he may lose some votes.

Wait 2 years and its Abbott who looks totally weak.

The time to strike is NOW, whilst the public are ready to take it out on palmer for creating this mess.
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Blasphemy: a victimless

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Re: The cost of Palmers' demands
Reply #12 - Jul 11th, 2014 at 9:45am
Armchair_Politician wrote on Jul 11th, 2014 at 8:56am:
No one can deny that Abbott has a mandate to scrap the carbon tax, just like Gillard never had a mandate to introduce it. Smiley

I deny it. Mandates are nonsense.
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Australian Politics

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Re: The cost of Palmers' demands
Reply #13 - Jul 11th, 2014 at 9:48am
aquascoot wrote on Jul 11th, 2014 at 9:38am:
Karnal wrote on Jul 11th, 2014 at 9:30am:
Eric Abetz must have a hotline to the editor of the Tele.

The Libs agreed to Palmer’s "wrecking ball" demands, and only realized their mistake later.

Thank heavens the grown-ups are back in charge.

Wink Wink
Its not a matter of wrecking balls or grown ups.
Palmer will play them and the longer he does the more incompetent they look.
Like a festering absess, go in hard with the sharp steel.

politics is all about winning.

The people don't want to have to vote again, they don't want the carbon tax,
Attack now, call palmers bluff and he may lose some votes.

Wait 2 years and its Abbott who looks totally weak.

The time to strike is NOW, whilst the public are ready to take it out on palmer for creating this mess.

there are an awful lot of vindictive people out there who are enjoying this mess...thats the problem.. they dont see this person as a wrecking ball for the country only abbott....and if he goes for another election  it wont include the senate..

where  he will still control.. what a mess those who elected him have on their hands...

has anyone noticed how piggy stalks off when hes said his few words....]heading for the feeding trough no doubt]  never stays around for any tough questions..

anyway I am not surprised by this oaf...not to be trusted at all I have said that all along...he is a nasty piece of goods..
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Gold Member

Australian Politics

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Re: The cost of Palmers' demands
Reply #14 - Jul 11th, 2014 at 9:52am
Kytro wrote on Jul 11th, 2014 at 9:45am:
Armchair_Politician wrote on Jul 11th, 2014 at 8:56am:
No one can deny that Abbott has a mandate to scrap the carbon tax, just like Gillard never had a mandate to introduce it. Smiley

I deny it. Mandates are nonsense.

it depends how loud they beat the drum BEFORE the election..and lets face it Abbott said he would repeal from day one.. all the way ifs or buts... everyone knew he meant it and everyone knew he would be held to account....after the gillard LIE...

so yes I would say he had a mandate..

and its out peculiar way for voting that has created this mess....and we now have a group of wannabees in  POWER....

that we truly didnt really elect...

the system did..
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