Yesterday I watched a doco made in 2012 called "Girlfriend in a Coma". The "girlfriend" of the title is Italy and the doco, co-written & narrated by the former Editor-in_Chief of the Economist, is essentially a long look back at Italy's decline since the 1960s. I have to say it's changed my view of Berlusconi from what I said above. For instance, there seems little doubt that far from being a self-made man, his wealth has originally been sourced by one of the three mafia organisations. His association with sex is also less a personal issue than I had thought. In fact, this long doco spends some time in showing how Italian TV has become a vehicle for the sexualisation of women and little else during the past 20 years. The various statistics presented on a whole range of issues document Italy's decline, not only economically but socially and politically. I can't remember them, I didn't pause it to write them down, but I could see they were well sourced - OECD, UN etc. One I remember though was that Italy's debt position had actually become worse than that of Greece. Another was as follows: in the period 1870-1979, 29 million Italians emigrated and they were mainly the poor; in the last 10 years, 1 million had emigrated and they were mostly graduates and mainly young.
It's not entirely a Berlusconi story though. It goes into a lot of background on the mafia groups, on the corruption in politics, on the murders & crime etc going back to the 1960s.
There is some optimism at the end of the program though. A lot of the bright young Italians living abroad were interviewed and they were all hoping for and looking forward to being able to return home if the society could be turned around. And quite a few CEOs, such as of Fiat and Ferraro, and leading intellectuals & political figures were also interviewed and expressed optimism that Italy was ready to change.
If you can get hold of the program, it's worth seeing. It ran on SBS.