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Judge being gagged by political correctness (Read 2217 times)
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Re: Judge being gagged by political correctness
Reply #15 - Jul 12th, 2014 at 11:20am
polite_gandalf wrote on Jul 11th, 2014 at 3:34pm:
GA wrote on Jul 11th, 2014 at 3:01pm:
"Incest is completely reprehensible, unacceptable, disgusting and criminal.

I'm genuinely surprised that this is the "politically acceptable" position on this matter.

Why would only certain types of consensual sexual relationships between adults be seen as acceptable? Someone's going to have to explain that one to me.

I totally agree.
The problem is that the word "incest" has become an emotionally loaded word. When most people think of incest they think of cults such as that described in cod's post which is clearly criminal.
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mark hadfield
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Re: Judge being gagged by political correctness
Reply #16 - Jul 12th, 2014 at 11:48am
In my opinion the so called Judge is rightfully held to account else his peers will fall into the sweet state of do-nothing. How many cases of rape are caused by women rapists? It is usually always men, aka walking dicks, that come (sic) along and stand over somebody to get their jollies off - oftentimes causing stress and detriment that can last the victims life. In counterpoint there may be reason to say one should wash one's foul linen within the family in private at home. Whatever. Reading the article via the link one notes tre Colt family moved often, they intrinsically knew that they were wrong in the eyes of society about them whom usually don't sleep with their immediate nuclear family or cousins. This is a case of bizzare behaviour perpetuated by the menfolk and most likely where the females where coerced to believe what they were doing the norm. Seneca once wrote, "All my life I have been seeking to climb out of the pit of my besetting sins and I cannot do it and I never will unless a hand is let down to draw me up".
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Re: Judge being gagged by political correctness
Reply #17 - Jul 12th, 2014 at 12:20pm
I always thought it was a judges job to apply the law without favour not excuse criminal behaviour.....It is not the judges job to make moral judgements it is his job to apply the law as it is written.....If the judge does not like the laws he should lobby to have them changed.....Until then his comments are at odds with the community and legal interpretation that should see him struck off the bar!!!

Huh Huh Huh
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Re: Judge being gagged by political correctness
Reply #18 - Jul 13th, 2014 at 7:24am
I think the relevant word is rape.

The judge's comments about how community values change over time is completely true.
I am old enough to remember back to a time when if a single girl became pregnant, she would often go into a home to have the baby then have it adopted out, to avoid the shame of neighbours or relatives finding out.
And that was only back on the late '60s and '70s. It was starting to change in the '80s, but single motherhood was still not highly thought of.

Look at where we are now, with people openly living together and some single women deliberately trying to get pregnant.

So attitudes do change, but I think the attitude to rape has actually gone the other way, with sexual assault now more in the news. Things a man may have gotten away with or that may not have been taken so seriously 40 years ago could now see a man up on charges. (think eg RH)

Having read the description of the family, it would be interesting to know if it was actually rape though, as it sounds a bit as if everyone was having sex with everyone else.

I would like to know how the rape charge came about-did the woman herself initiate it or did authorities push her into it after DNA tests?

I think incest will be one of the last taboos to fall, there are good reasons why it shouldn't be encouraged. The social taboos of thousands of years are there for a reason.
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Lord Herbert
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Re: Judge being gagged by political correctness
Reply #19 - Jul 13th, 2014 at 7:39am
polite_gandalf wrote on Jul 12th, 2014 at 10:09am:
Soren wrote on Jul 11th, 2014 at 8:34pm:
Oh-oh. Softening us up for Paki cultural practices, are you, Gandy?

Oh look - Soren who is sooooooo sick of hearing about islam, bringing up islam again.

It's hard to avoid ...

"The tradition of marrying a cousin is becoming more entrenched among British-born Pakistanis living in Bradford than it was a generation ago, writes Winifred Robinson.

This has been the surprise finding of the Born in Bradford research project . It's a huge long-term study of 14,000 mothers and babies in the city, the largest ever undertaken in the UK. Half of the families in the project are Asian.

Cousin marriage has important implications for health because marrying a cousin increases the risks of passing on genetic disorders. Bradford has three times the national rate among children for disabilities including deafness and blindness".


How much do these defective offspring cost the British welfare state?

It's no wonder the British House of Lords was presented with a paper that showed migration since the mid-50's has been of zero benefit to the native Brits.
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See Profile For Update
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Re: Judge being gagged by political correctness
Reply #20 - Jul 13th, 2014 at 7:48am
Incest pedophilia and bestiality are all sexual orientations which proves that sexual orientation was never an equal or human right but the homosexual activists obviously were the ones pulling for every sexual orientation to become legal by making up the two faced lie that sexual orientation is an equal or human right.

What does homosexuality have in common with bestiality, incest and pedophilia? They are all sexually defective.

The one sexual orientation that stands alone is heterosexuality because thanks to heterosexuality we even exist.

If it were up to homosexuality to sustain the human race we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective.

This judge however by trying to make incest legal is also encouraging more birth defects through where such sex leads so he is quite obviously in the wrong. But you can thank homosexual activists calling sexual orientation an equal or human right for that. I say that (Of the judges decision) with the exception of that perhaps if he is just doing what he feels necessary to point out the fact that sexual orientation never was an equal or human right. I already did contact all of them.

Come have a look at my new release here in the "Thinking Globally" forum and look for the title "World Becoming Aware of Homosexual Activist Lies" of which 214 parliaments etc. . 20 000 elected and appointed officials of Earth now have.

It will likely blow your mind how these homosexual activists have been using lies and deceptions to make fools out of all of you.

My pleasure


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
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« Last Edit: Jul 13th, 2014 at 8:09am by See Profile For Update »  

Fighting for the well being of the future of the life on this planet.
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Re: Judge being gagged by political correctness
Reply #21 - Jul 13th, 2014 at 8:10am
Lord Herbert wrote on Jul 13th, 2014 at 7:39am:
polite_gandalf wrote on Jul 12th, 2014 at 10:09am:
Soren wrote on Jul 11th, 2014 at 8:34pm:
Oh-oh. Softening us up for Paki cultural practices, are you, Gandy?

Oh look - Soren who is sooooooo sick of hearing about islam, bringing up islam again.

It's hard to avoid ...

"The tradition of marrying a cousin is becoming more entrenched among British-born Pakistanis living in Bradford than it was a generation ago, writes Winifred Robinson.

This has been the surprise finding of the Born in Bradford research project . It's a huge long-term study of 14,000 mothers and babies in the city, the largest ever undertaken in the UK. Half of the families in the project are Asian.

Cousin marriage has important implications for health because marrying a cousin increases the risks of passing on genetic disorders. Bradford has three times the national rate among children for disabilities including deafness and blindness".


How much do these defective offspring cost the British welfare state?

It's no wonder the British House of Lords was presented with a paper that showed migration since the mid-50's has been of zero benefit to the native Brits.

You realise that marrying cousins is legal in Australia, right?
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Blasphemy: a victimless

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Re: Judge being gagged by political correctness
Reply #22 - Jul 13th, 2014 at 8:11am
philperth2010 wrote on Jul 12th, 2014 at 12:20pm:
I always thought it was a judges job to apply the law without favour not excuse criminal behaviour.....It is not the judges job to make moral judgements it is his job to apply the law as it is written.....If the judge does not like the laws he should lobby to have them changed.....Until then his comments are at odds with the community and legal interpretation that should see him struck off the bar!!!

Huh Huh Huh

Did the judge not apply the law as written?
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Re: Judge being gagged by political correctness
Reply #23 - Jul 13th, 2014 at 8:14am
I don't think the Judge was trying to make Incest legal....
he was making an observation about how easily it could become a norm ... using homosexuality as an example.

One thing for sure though is that 2 blokes rogering each other in the privacy of their own home are not going to produce offspring.

Whereas the same activity of an incestuous sexual relationship has a very high risk of producing offspring with genetic deformity.

In breeding is stupid .... take a look at some of the history of the Royal families. Grin
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"When you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It's only painful and difficult for others. The same applies when you are stupid." ~ Ricky Gervais
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Re: Judge being gagged by political correctness
Reply #24 - Jul 13th, 2014 at 10:18am
Kytro wrote on Jul 13th, 2014 at 8:11am:
philperth2010 wrote on Jul 12th, 2014 at 12:20pm:
I always thought it was a judges job to apply the law without favour not excuse criminal behaviour.....It is not the judges job to make moral judgements it is his job to apply the law as it is written.....If the judge does not like the laws he should lobby to have them changed.....Until then his comments are at odds with the community and legal interpretation that should see him struck off the bar!!!

Huh Huh Huh

Did the judge not apply the law as written?

Well, he made a ruling that prior conduct evidence not be admissible at trial. OK.

It is comments in his reasoning for the ruling for which he is under the hammer.

While it is true that some people in the community may believe that adult incest should not be illegal, I don't see the relevance of its reference in the trial situation where jury members decide on the FACTS presented in evidence.....personal view on our incest law forms no part of its charter.
Indeed adult incest has been removed from the statute books of some countries. Australia is not one of them.

I'm still scratching my head...crazy comments in a trial context. 

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Re: Judge being gagged by political correctness
Reply #25 - Jul 14th, 2014 at 11:36am
Gnads wrote on Jul 13th, 2014 at 8:14am:
I don't think the Judge was trying to make Incest legal....
he was making an observation about how easily it could become a norm ... using homosexuality as an example.

One thing for sure though is that 2 blokes rogering each other in the privacy of their own home are not going to produce offspring.
Whereas the same activity of an incestuous sexual relationship has a very high risk of producing offspring with genetic deformity.

In breeding is stupid .... take a look at some of the history of the Royal families. Grin

Throw in the pet sheep and you have the 'Barnardi' argument.... Grin

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