John Smith
fantasy island wrote on Jul 13 th, 2014 at 12:34pm: John Smith wrote on Jul 13 th, 2014 at 9:42am: Kytro wrote on Jul 13 th, 2014 at 7:33am: John Smith wrote on Jul 12 th, 2014 at 10:07pm: Kytro wrote on Jul 12 th, 2014 at 9:41pm: John Smith wrote on Jul 12 th, 2014 at 9:34pm: Kytro wrote on Jul 12 th, 2014 at 9:20pm: John Smith wrote on Jul 12 th, 2014 at 5:39pm: Regardless of his ethnicity, the courts need to stop protecting these slime balls.
In fact, they should have a half hour show on tele every week who's sole purpose is to out these slime ... Encouraging vigilante action before a case is even heard is a terrible, terrible idea. I'm not encouraging anything ... I merely don't think we should protect them . What, we shouldn't protect people accused of a crime? we shouldn't protect child abusers ..... We should protect everyone at risk, but in this case you mean accused abuser. listen, if they arrest someone for suspicion of robbery, they release his name, if they arrest someone for fighting, they release his name, if they arrest somone for streaking, they release his name almost every other crime and the name is released BEFORE it even goes to court ... before guilt has been determined ... why treat child abusers differently? the courts needs to get their priorities right and protect the kids, not the perps. but, you can't listen pal can ya, thus, so why should others listen to you? look and learn .. you earlier accused an individual of being a bigot in this same thread, and, as an aside, you are a likely muslimphobic and, again, you displayed you don't actually read things such as links to the thread as was started in the first instant you are hereby deemed full of accusation and spite, pal you are a decided fool here in fantasy land, john smith welcome, fool! You can't hold a man down without staying down with him.Booker T Washington Resentment, as Jean Amery would write, nails every one of us onto the cross of his ruined past. Ohh, looky, I have another fan to much wine for lunch? nothing to say on the subject? you'd rather talk about me?