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asylum mothers threatening suicide was a lie (Read 882 times)
President Elect, The Mechanic
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asylum mothers threatening suicide was a lie
Jul 13th, 2014 at 11:14am
so where's the apologies from the Fairfax media loons?

absolutely disgraceful..  Angry

what they should be reporting on is that reffo advocate are trying to encourage the illegal reffo's to self harm to increase their chances of staying in Australia. ..  Angry
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President Elect, The Mechanic
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Re: asylum mothers threatening suicide was a lie
Reply #1 - Jul 13th, 2014 at 11:18am
Refugee advocates coach asylum seekers to self harm in camps in 'despicable' campaign to further political agenda, former camp official claims

Refugee advocate 'backs down' on Christmas Island suicide claims

Campaigners claimed 10 women attempted suicide so their children could get residence
Refugee camp whistleblower Greg Lake says advocates are coaching ringleaders to induce self harm in vulnerable detainees

Mr Lake says the actions help push the advocates' political agendas
Death of Iranian Reza Berati was result of riot planned by advocates
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Re: asylum mothers threatening suicide was a lie
Reply #2 - Jul 13th, 2014 at 3:07pm
They weren't really going to do it? Damn! Wink
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President Elect, The Mechanic
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Re: asylum mothers threatening suicide was a lie
Reply #3 - Jul 13th, 2014 at 7:08pm
Taipan wrote on Jul 13th, 2014 at 3:07pm:
They weren't really going to do it? Damn! Wink


but it just goes to show what a bunch of scheming underhanded lying scumbags the "doogooders" are and that of the scab lawyers are who are trying to continue the industry of living off other peoples misery...

they don't care if hundreds die trying to get to Australia... thousands will still get through if they water down our boarder control again..
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MediocrityNET: because
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Posts: 26966
Re: asylum mothers threatening suicide was a lie
Reply #4 - Jul 13th, 2014 at 7:51pm
** plane people
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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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Re: asylum mothers threatening suicide was a lie
Reply #5 - Jul 13th, 2014 at 8:00pm
BatteriesNotIncluded wrote on Jul 13th, 2014 at 7:51pm:
** plane people

Most of the "plane people" are white, so the cowardly bigots on this forum have no problem with them being illegal immigrants.  They wouldn't even care if they were pedos and/or murderers.  As long as they're white, they're OK with the retarded right.

To recap: dark skin = bad; white skin = good.

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Re: asylum mothers threatening suicide was a lie
Reply #6 - Jul 13th, 2014 at 8:16pm
what plane people? are you sure asylum seekers are coming by plane without visas? whats the source on this?
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Laugh till you cry
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Re: asylum mothers threatening suicide was a lie
Reply #7 - Jul 13th, 2014 at 8:40pm
ian wrote on Jul 13th, 2014 at 8:16pm:
what plane people? are you sure asylum seekers are coming by plane without visas? whats the source on this?

Plane people = "Statistics from 2008 showed at least 13 asylum seekers arrive through Australian airports daily, more than 32 times the number of boat people supposedly ''flooding'' across our maritime borders."

"...DO you believe that thousands of illegal boat people are swamping our shores in unprecedented numbers and threatening Australian jobs and the economy?
You wouldn't be the only person to do so - and you'll be hearing more about it as politicians jockey for your vote ahead of the federal election.
Asylum seekers arriving on boats in Australian waters is likely to be one of the top issues debated throughout the election campaign. explains 10 boat-people myths.

Myth 1: We are being swamped
REALITY: The number of people arriving in Australia to claim asylum jumped by more than a third last year to 15,800 people, driven by an increase in arrivals from Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Australia resettles the third largest number of refugees of any country per capita, but actual Australia's asylum seeker numbers, while politically sensitive, remain numerically small. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) says Australia receives about three per cent of the total asylum claims made in industrialised countries around the world and, "by comparison, asylum levels in Australia continue to remain below those recorded by many other industrialised and non-industrialised countries".

Myth 2: We're a magnet compared to other countries
REALITY: Nearly half a million - 493,000 - asylum claims were lodged in industrialised countries last year, the second highest number on record after 2003, as war, civil strife, political repression and sectarian violence continue to force movements of populations across borders. Europe received 355,000 asylum seeker claims, while North America had 103,000. In particular, conflict in Syria has prompted a new mass wave of refugees fleeing that country. Afghanistan alone has a diaspora of more than 2.7 million refugees across 71 countries, but more than 95 per cent are in neighbouring Pakistan and Iran.

Myth 3: We take more asylum seekers because we're a rich, First World country
REALITY: According to Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, the reverse is true. "The burden of helping the world's forcibly displaced people is starkly uneven," he said. "Poor countries host vastly more displaced people than wealthier ones. While anti-refugee sentiment is heard loudest in industrialised countries, developing nations host 80 per cent of the world's refugees."

Myth 4: They're illegal, queue jumping undesirables
REALITY: Asylum seekers who arrive in Australia by boat are neither engaging in illegal activity, nor are they immigrants. The UN Refugee Convention (to which Australia is a signatory) recognises that refugees have a right to enter a country for the purposes of seeking asylum, regardless of how they arrive or whether they hold valid travel or identity documents. Australian law also permits unauthorised entry into Australia for the purposes of seeking asylum. Asylum seekers do not break any Australian laws simply by arriving on boats or without authorisation. Australia has a proud history of boat people and other asylum seekers becoming good citizens.

Myth 5: Most asylum seekers come by boat
REALITY: Statistics from 2008 showed at least 13 asylum seekers arrive through Australian airports daily, more than 32 times the number of boat people supposedly ''flooding'' across our maritime borders in that year. A total of 4768 ''plane people'', more than 96 per cent of applicants for refugee status, arrived in that year on legitimate tourist, business and other visas - compared with 161 who arrived by boat during the same period. While boat numbers have increased, Australian Government statistics from the first quarter of 2013 showed more than 90 per cent of asylum seekers who arrived by boat were found to be genuine refugees. In comparison, those who arrived by plane - despite being eligible for release into the community and not having to face years of detention on Nauru or Manus Island - were almost twice as likely to be rejected as refugees. The figure continued a long-term trend of high approval rates for people arriving by boat, with 93.5 per cent being found to be refugees in 2010-11 and 91 per cent in 2011-12.
Successful refugee: Les Murray is known as both the face and voice of soccer in Australia. As the most prominent commentator and presenter of soccer on Australian television, he is credited with championing the rise in popularity of the sport. He emigrated to Australia from his native Hungary as an 11-year old refugee in 1957. Picture: AP Source:

Myth 6: Asylum seekers are taking our jobs
REALITY: The Federal Government released 16,000 asylum seekers into the community as they wait for their refugee claims to be processed. They receive about $220 a week from Centrelink, most of which goes towards rent and food, but they are on bridging visas which stipulate that they're not allowed to get jobs.
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Please don't thank me. Effusive fawning and obeisance of disciples, mendicants, and foot-kissers embarrass me.
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Posts: 9451
Re: asylum mothers threatening suicide was a lie
Reply #8 - Jul 13th, 2014 at 9:14pm
didnt answer the question. All you have showed is those who came by plane with visas, not without.
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Re: asylum mothers threatening suicide was a lie
Reply #9 - Jul 13th, 2014 at 9:56pm
ian wrote on Jul 13th, 2014 at 8:16pm:
what plane people? are you sure asylum seekers are coming by plane without visas?

Nobody said anything about asylum seekers coming by plane without visas.

However, if you are so sure that they did, I'm sure you'll provide some sort of evidence to substantiate your claim.

LOL, just kidding.  I know you never provide evidence to substantiate your claims   Grin
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Re: asylum mothers threatening suicide was a lie
Reply #10 - Jul 13th, 2014 at 10:03pm
so any comparison with plane arrivals is illegitimate. Case dismissed.
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Re: asylum mothers threatening suicide was a lie
Reply #11 - Jul 13th, 2014 at 10:04pm
ian wrote on Jul 13th, 2014 at 10:03pm:
so any comparison with plane arrivals is illegitimate.


You're on a roll tonight, ian.

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Posts: 9451
Re: asylum mothers threatening suicide was a lie
Reply #12 - Jul 13th, 2014 at 10:16pm
asylum seekers coming by plane arrive with correct paperwork and visas, those who arrive via people smuggling dont. Care to dispute this? And this is exactly why most thinking people do not want boat arrivals, they are uncontrolled whereas plane arrivals are. Nothing to do with skin colour.
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MediocrityNET: because
people died for this!

Posts: 26966
Re: asylum mothers threatening suicide was a lie
Reply #13 - Jul 14th, 2014 at 4:18am
greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 13th, 2014 at 8:00pm:
BatteriesNotIncluded wrote on Jul 13th, 2014 at 7:51pm:
** plane people

Most of the "plane people" are white, so the cowardly bigots on this forum have no problem with them being illegal immigrants.  They wouldn't even care if they were pedos and/or murderers.  As long as they're white, they're OK with the retarded right.

To recap: dark skin = bad; white skin = good.

dark skin sells newspapers, "...THAT IS ALL!!"

............................................... ...
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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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Re: asylum mothers threatening suicide was a lie
Reply #14 - Jul 14th, 2014 at 8:06am
BatteriesNotIncluded wrote on Jul 14th, 2014 at 4:18am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 13th, 2014 at 8:00pm:
BatteriesNotIncluded wrote on Jul 13th, 2014 at 7:51pm:
** plane people

Most of the "plane people" are white, so the cowardly bigots on this forum have no problem with them being illegal immigrants.  They wouldn't even care if they were pedos and/or murderers.  As long as they're white, they're OK with the retarded right.

To recap: dark skin = bad; white skin = good.

dark skin sells newspapers, "...THAT IS ALL!!"


Ain't that the truth.

If white Christians came by boat, we wouldn't hear a thing.

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