____ wrote on Jul 14
th, 2014 at 8:13am:
We can't have Australia as a modern sophisticated society ... can we?
Oh look.....
http://www.ldp.org.au/index.php/policiesGreenswine choice of the word sophisticated was interesting....
Quote:The LDP advocates an immediate end to government ownership of business enterprises including the ABC, SBS, Australia Post, Medibank Private, electricity generation and public transport services.
Don't agree with this entirely all essential services should be controlled and regulated by government.
Quote:The LDP does not believe in either subsidising or unfairly taxing any particular source of energy, including nuclear.
Quote:The LDP regards the right to own firearms for sport, hunting, collecting and self-defence as fundamental to a free society.
Yep except for the last part
Quote:The LDP believes government foreign aid, other than short term humanitarian relief, should cease.
Quote:The LDP supports free international trade in goods, services and capital.
ok, but with conditions, so I guess the "free" bit is not quite right
Quote:The Liberal Democrats believe that freedom is precious, that our freedom is not conferred by government, that government poses great risks to our freedom, and that the role of government is the defence of freedom
Quote:The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) neither supports nor opposes gambling. It considers it to be like any other form of entertainment - a matter of choice for responsible adults.
Quote:The Liberal Democrats will deregulate and privatise higher education, while retaining loans for tuition fees.
ok, except it may create a US situation where higher education can become unaffordable for some.
Quote:The Liberal Democrats believe Australians should be free to enter employment and service contracts without government interference.
ok, got examples where the government interferes? Or are they anti award rates?
Quote:The Liberal Democrats support significant tax cuts in conjunction with a major reduction in government expenditure
Quote:That atmospheric carbon dioxide is increasing but considers the consequences of this, whether it is due to human influence and if anything can or should be done about it, as too uncertain to warrant government action.
Yes lets get into the 21st century.....