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Abbott has alienated too many to survive (Read 2115 times)
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Re: Abbott has alienated too many to survive
Reply #15 - Jul 14th, 2014 at 1:26pm
There is nothing wrong with Shorten's electability - the polls tell me so.

If that labor numptee in Victoria can become premier (which he will in November) then Shorten can become PM.

Isn't it funny though - that people are rubbishing the electoral chances of Shorten so soon after Tony Abbott got elected?
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sir prince duke alevine
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Re: Abbott has alienated too many to survive
Reply #16 - Jul 14th, 2014 at 1:34pm
Armchair_Politician wrote on Jul 14th, 2014 at 11:21am:
Once this budget is done and the hard work out of the way, the next two budgets will give Abbott an opportunity to deliver another two budgets that will allow him to work on items on his agenda, instead of just cleaning up after Labor, which is what this budget is virtually all about.

The way we are going we wi have an Abbott 70$ billion black hole to fill next year.  But because they don't believe in revenue raising well simply see more attempts at cuts that will be voted down in the senate.
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Re: Abbott has alienated too many to survive
Reply #17 - Jul 14th, 2014 at 1:40pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Jul 14th, 2014 at 1:26pm:
There is nothing wrong with Shorten's electability - the polls tell me so.

ALP ahead on 2PP, Shorten ahead on PPM. Not bad for a first-term Opposition.

If that labor numptee in Victoria can become premier (which he will in November) then Shorten can become PM.

The Victorian Parliament has been a circus. That's why Labor will win in November.

Isn't it funny though - that people are rubbishing the electoral chances of Shorten so soon after Tony Abbott got elected?

Indeed ... if Abbott can win the Prime Ministership, anyone can.

The real test though is winning again. Abbott won't.
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Re: Abbott has alienated too many to survive
Reply #18 - Jul 14th, 2014 at 1:43pm
|dev|null wrote on Jul 14th, 2014 at 11:55am:
Can you point out how this lot is any better than a Greens Government?

The Greens actually have sensible economic alternatives. Raising the mining tax to its pre-JuLiar level is the smart thing to do. Raising income tax for the top 10% is good politics. The move to renewables is a shift that will happen with or without government support - households are already investing in solar. Shifting Australia from a coal-fired oligopoly into a technologically-savvy, renewable energy power will happen a lot easier with the government on board, rather than fighting it every step to support political vested interests.

Minor Greens policies like drug reform are being implimented in the US, just as carbon pricing is slowly being put into place around the world.

Even British Tories and US Republicans are questioning the Abbott madness of trying to create a global coalition of carbon emitters at a time when global carbon trading is starting to make progress.

Politically, the Greens are bastards. But economically, they're ahead of the times. A Turnbull-led Coalition could do a lot worse than making friends with the Greens. It's clear that minority governments are with us to stay. If either main party seriously courted the Greens, they could achieve enough support to get their main policies through the senate.

This, of course, would require patience and a lot of free lunches. Christine Milne and Hanson-Young have a tendency towards zealotry, but they could be courted by the right person.

If I was Turnbull, I'd be making friends now. The Greens might be holy-rollers, but at least they know which way the wind is blowing.
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Fit of Absent Mindeness
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Re: Abbott has alienated too many to survive
Reply #19 - Jul 14th, 2014 at 1:51pm
It's like they've tried to piss off the most amount of people in the shortest space of time.

It defies belief.

He might get a second term - although it's looking more likely this is even a remote possibility.
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Putting the n in cuts
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sir prince duke alevine
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Re: Abbott has alienated too many to survive
Reply #20 - Jul 14th, 2014 at 1:51pm
Bam wrote on Jul 14th, 2014 at 1:40pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Jul 14th, 2014 at 1:26pm:
There is nothing wrong with Shorten's electability - the polls tell me so.

ALP ahead on 2PP, Shorten ahead on PPM. Not bad for a first-term Opposition.

If that labor numptee in Victoria can become premier (which he will in November) then Shorten can become PM.

The Victorian Parliament has been a circus. That's why Labor will win in November.

Isn't it funny though - that people are rubbishing the electoral chances of Shorten so soon after Tony Abbott got elected?

Indeed ... if Abbott can win the Prime Ministership, anyone can.

The real test though is winning again. Abbott won't.

Politics is like an AFL match, we should never count our chickens until the final siren. the key is to ensure that voters remember the CONSTANT lies and Tony's ideological warfare.  These will guarantee he is thrown out in 2016 (and hopefully sooner if the senate continues to be a havoc for him).
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Disclaimer for Mothra per POST so it is forever acknowledged: Saying 'Islam' or 'Muslims' doesn't mean ALL muslims. This does not target individual muslims who's opinion I am not aware of.
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Re: Abbott has alienated too many to survive
Reply #21 - Jul 14th, 2014 at 2:16pm
Yes........the key is indeed to ensure that voters remember the CONSTANT lies and Tony's Labor's ideological warfare against the tax-payer.
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Re: Abbott has alienated too many to survive
Reply #22 - Jul 14th, 2014 at 2:29pm
Fit of Absent Mindeness wrote on Jul 14th, 2014 at 1:51pm:
It's like they've tried to piss off the most amount of people in the shortest space of time.

It defies belief.

He might get a second term - although it's looking more likely this is even a remote possibility.

Even the conga-line on this board are talking about whether he gets a second term.

But yes, the Libs have tried extremely hard to alienate everybody - particularly those like Palmer who can give them the most. No one even tried to reach poor old Ricky Muir. He must sit in his office all day bored, making no sense at all of all that paperwork the Libs send him to rubber-stamp with his senate vote.

The only names on the Libs' friends' list are rusted-ons like Alan and Bolt, but these are very fairweather friends. They'll drop the government like a turd as soon as it's in their interest to do so. People like Gerard Henderson and Michael Kroger will always be around, but it can't be good to have them being the last two people in Australia speaking up for you.

All the other old senior Libs are complaining, and even Rupert is jumping ship. One brief tweet from Murdoch will end all those supportive Daily Tele front pages. The Australian will continue to spruik, but they don't have to be so blatant in their spruiking. Who knows? Their news and opinion could even start to inject a bit of balance.

Interesting times indeed.
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Re: Abbott has alienated too many to survive
Reply #23 - Jul 14th, 2014 at 2:43pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Jul 14th, 2014 at 1:26pm:
There is nothing wrong with Shorten's electability - the polls tell me so.

Polls mean nothing 2 years from an erection. It would be interesting to hear what the focus groups are saying.

The poll I use is the one in my head. Shorten is dull, naggy and empty. He talks a lot, but says nothing. He talks like an old lady on the phone.

Who's picking his outfits? He's starting to dress like Piers Ackerman. He'll be wearing cravats next.

Shorton is perfectly on message, and perfectly predictable - which is good, because it means you don't have to worry that you've missed something when you zone out when he speaks.

Shorton's just the leader Tony Abbott wants to be. Sensible, predictable, reliable... but he has none of the Fireman-Sam-to-the-rescue alpha-male status Abbott works so hard to bung on.

Shorton's just another born-to-rule ambitious type - a posh, Labor-Right dullard without even the rough edges Abbott works so hard to conceal.

Labor should find someone new now. With Shorton in power, Australia would be just the country Abbott wants, but can't manage to achieve.

Shorton is the very definition of a grown-up.
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Abbott Lies
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Re: Abbott has alienated too many to survive
Reply #24 - Jul 14th, 2014 at 2:58pm
All Abbott has got at the moment is 'stop the boats'. You can see that he is trying to manipulate the ISIS business for political gain - declare terrorist organisation, cancel passports, etc.

Abbott must be praying for a Tampa, a 9/11, a war, or at least some "terror" show trials.

ASIS and ASIO to get injection of funds to fight threat from Middle East

Fascists who stand for nothing good must engineer threats to the people in order to justify their grip on power.
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Re: Abbott has alienated too many to survive
Reply #25 - Jul 14th, 2014 at 3:04pm
red baron wrote on Jul 14th, 2014 at 9:34am:
It is now highly likely that the Liberals will be a one term Government.
(Highly possible, but let's not count the chickens yet.)

It defies logic how Abbott and Hockey have gone after huge slices of the population with a meat cleaver.
(Predicted on here, long before the election was held.)

They have done a full frontal attack on the poor and the weak.
(Also predicted.)

Then they have attacked the students of this Country with alarming Education funding changes.

They rode in on a wave of goodwill, that the great majority of Australians provided to them.
(More on a wave of frustration.)

But if history is the teacher then the Abbott Government cannot stand against the inevitable backlash that will occur at the next Federal Election.
(Hope you are right.)

Problem is, when one thinks of the alternative a Labor Party lead by Bill Shorten it almost makes you catatonic, to think what they would do to the Country.
(Well, as the two people who bore the brunt of all the criticism have now gone, that is merely conjecture.)
Look what micro managing Rudd and Gillard did, a financial black hole that goes on forever.
(Wiser people than I argue that all pre-election scare mongering, by Abbott & Co, was just that....scare mongering.)

God Save Australia!

Really, Red, I do feel for you and those like you who went into the last election believing that Abbott had all the answers.
One could have been in posession of a Time Machine and taken you on a short trip into the future to support the claims made about Abbott and you would still have voted the way you did.
Have you joined your local Seniors Club yet?

Going to be an interesting couple of years......

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"What's in store for me in the direction I don't take?"-Jack Kerouac.
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DaS Energy
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Re: Abbott has alienated too many to survive
Reply #26 - Jul 14th, 2014 at 3:16pm
red baron wrote on Jul 14th, 2014 at 9:34am:
It is now highly likely that the Liberals will be a one term Government.

It defies logic how Abbott and Hockey have gone after huge slices of the population with a meat cleaver.

They have done a full frontal attack on the poor and the weak.

Then they have attacked the students of this Country with alarming Education funding changes.

They rode in on a wave of goodwill, that the great majority of Australians provided to them.

But if history is the teacher then the Abbott Government cannot stand against the inevitable backlash that will occur at the next Federal Election.

Problem is, when one thinks of the alternative a Labor Party lead by Bill Shorten it almost makes you catatonic, to think what they would do to the Country.

Look what micro managing Rudd and Gillard did, a financial black hole that goes on forever.

God Save Australia!

Say goodbye to the tired old folk from the tired old parties.

Ring the new fresh faces that have no baggage nor debts.
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Re: Abbott has alienated too many to survive
Reply #27 - Jul 14th, 2014 at 3:20pm
Lobo wrote on Jul 14th, 2014 at 3:04pm:
red baron wrote on Jul 14th, 2014 at 9:34am:
It is now highly likely that the Liberals will be a one term Government.
(Highly possible, but let's not count the chickens yet.)

It defies logic how Abbott and Hockey have gone after huge slices of the population with a meat cleaver.
(Predicted on here, long before the election was held.)

They have done a full frontal attack on the poor and the weak.
(Also predicted.)

Then they have attacked the students of this Country with alarming Education funding changes.

They rode in on a wave of goodwill, that the great majority of Australians provided to them.
(More on a wave of frustration.)

But if history is the teacher then the Abbott Government cannot stand against the inevitable backlash that will occur at the next Federal Election.
(Hope you are right.)

Problem is, when one thinks of the alternative a Labor Party lead by Bill Shorten it almost makes you catatonic, to think what they would do to the Country.
(Well, as the two people who bore the brunt of all the criticism have now gone, that is merely conjecture.)
Look what micro managing Rudd and Gillard did, a financial black hole that goes on forever.
(Wiser people than I argue that all pre-election scare mongering, by Abbott & Co, was just that....scare mongering.)

God Save Australia!

Really, Red, I do feel for you and those like you who went into the last election believing that Abbott had all the answers.


No, Red, just couldn't stand JuLiar for some infathomable reason. Hated her.

JuLiar's government is now proving to be the most effective (sane, measured, predicable, reliable...) government we've had in years.

Mr Abbott can't win Red's crowd back. Once they hate you, they hate you for good.
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Re: Abbott has alienated too many to survive
Reply #28 - Jul 14th, 2014 at 3:24pm
Lobo wrote on Jul 14th, 2014 at 3:04pm:
[quote author=red_baron18 link=1405294441/0#0 date=1405294441]It defies logic how Abbott and Hockey have gone after huge slices of the population with a meat cleaver.
(Predicted on here, long before the election was held.)


Predicted, but not entirely predictable. I never believed Abbott would do a Campbell Newman with the federal government. I thought he'd keep his head down and try to make people love him.

Even David Marr predicted the budget wouldn't be so bad.

How wrong we were.
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Re: Abbott has alienated too many to survive
Reply #29 - Jul 14th, 2014 at 3:25pm
Swagman wrote on Jul 14th, 2014 at 1:16pm:
|dev|null wrote on Jul 14th, 2014 at 11:55am:
They seem to have been quite successful in Europe with their smart and intelligent and green policies

Which countries?  Some are on the verge of bankruptcy?

Nope.  Germany where they have achieved 50% renewable energy.

|dev|null wrote on Jul 14th, 2014 at 11:55am:
They attack the poor, the disabled and the welfare dependent and blame them for their circumstances

That's propaganda.

No, that is reality, a reality where this government has decided that everybody is a bludger and should be punished, even if they are disabled or there are no jobs available.

|dev|null wrote on Jul 14th, 2014 at 11:55am:
They want us to be dumb and stupid, 'cause they fear the people when they are smart and intelligent.

Garbage.  They want to reward effort and not need.

They want a dumbed down electorate, where only the rich can afford to send their kids to Uni.  Where the most people can aspire to is a $2 a day wage, as their puppet mistress has decreed.

|dev|null wrote on Jul 14th, 2014 at 11:55am:
They encourage dirty, polluting industries like Coal mining and Coal fired power generation

Which have been providing wealth and jobs for 100+ years and industries that we have a competitive advantage in.

Which is a major contributor to the world's green house emissions.  Which spews crap and pollution into the atmosphere.

They don't want to throw away economic prosperity based upon a questionable theory.

The only questions being asked are about the sanity of the Mad Monk and his motley crew who think it's OK to live in a heated planet which is polluted.  There is nothing questionable, scientifically about Climate Science.    Grin Grin Cheesy Cheesy Grin Grin Grin

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