It is now highly likely that the Liberals will be a one term Government.
(Highly possible, but let's not count the chickens yet.)
It defies logic how Abbott and Hockey have gone after huge slices of the population with a meat cleaver.
(Predicted on here, long before the election was held.)
They have done a full frontal attack on the poor and the weak.
(Also predicted.)
Then they have attacked the students of this Country with alarming Education funding changes.
They rode in on a wave of goodwill, that the great majority of Australians provided to them.
(More on a wave of frustration.)
But if history is the teacher then the Abbott Government cannot stand against the inevitable backlash that will occur at the next Federal Election.
(Hope you are right.)
Problem is, when one thinks of the alternative a Labor Party lead by Bill Shorten it almost makes you catatonic, to think what they would do to the Country.
(Well, as the two people who bore the brunt of all the criticism have now gone, that is merely conjecture.)
Look what micro managing Rudd and Gillard did, a financial black hole that goes on forever.
(Wiser people than I argue that all pre-election scare mongering, by Abbott & Co, was just that....scare mongering.)
God Save Australia!
Really, Red, I do feel for you and those like you who went into the last election believing that Abbott had all the answers.
One could have been in posession of a Time Machine and taken you on a short trip into the future to support the claims made about Abbott and you would still have voted the way you did.
Going to be an interesting couple of years......