Armchair_Politician wrote on Jul 14
th, 2014 at 11:21am:
Once this budget is done and the hard work out of the way, the next two budgets will give Abbott an opportunity to deliver another two budgets that will allow him to work on items on his agenda, instead of just cleaning up after Labor, which is what this budget is virtually all about.
But that's just the problem. This budget won't get through. Abbott will be forced to spend the next two budgets trying to get the current budget through, and the makeup of the current senate will give him obstacle after obstacle, making him look like the complete opposite of the measured, predictable, steady grown-up he's sold himself as since JuLiar was in charge.
Each attempt will also make Abbott look mean and nasty, and the politics of each budget measure will be played out mercilessly in the public gaze.
The current action is the very opposite of sport and crime back on the front pages again. The Daily Tele's fighting an uphill battle trying to cast Clive as the bogey-man. Just look at the repeal of the carbon tax. It was meant to be Mr Abbott's day in the sun. Instead, it's reinforcing the perception of an inefficient, born-to-rule government without even a knowledge of the basic rules of the Westminster System.
And this is a tax the majority of the senate don't even want. Wait until it comes down to signature Abbott policies like Paid Parental Leave, not to mention all those budget cuts the Libs don't want to talk about.
The strategy was a first-hundred days attack on government spending: a quick, mean budget the Libs could lose a bit of popularity over, but make the public forget as the fickle media cycle moves on. Mr Abbott could then get back into his safety vest, have a few cups of tea with the workers, and make everyone love him again.
The reality has proven completely different. It's a spectacular fall from grace not even JuLiar could have envisaged. Not even News Limited can bring it around, and Murdoch's starting to make noises on Twitter that he picked the wrong man for the job.
Watch Malcolm Turnbull get column inches in Miranda Divine and Piers Ackerman's daily rants. Who knows? Maybe even Gerard Henderson and Bolt will come around. Alan's aready starting to thaw.
Better face it now, Armchair. It'll make it easier in the long-run. Abbott is yesterday's man. He was given the leadership on a silver plate, and he blew it. Monumentally.
Thank heavens the grown-ups are back in charge.