Brian Ross wrote on Jul 16
th, 2014 at 7:10pm:
Are you denying the rich history of Christian misogyny, Soren?

Today, the Protestant denominations are changing. Catholics have a long way to go, to even recognising they have a problem, let alone ordaining women. The Eastern Orthodox Churches are even more conservative in many ways. Then there are the Christian fundamentalists, whom prefer their women "barefoot and pregnant".
2,000 years, Soren, its taken Christianity to even recognise women as something other than evil, tempters in league with the Devil. Hardly a proud record. Of course, you can blame it all on the Muslims and try and be an apologist for Christianity's sorry record on the subject, Soren, as you already have in this thread...
The ability to change. That's the key in this discussion. The West can change and improve. Church and the secular public sphere are separated. There is no call to return to 1st century Judean practices.
Most importantly, the West has freedom and human dignity as its central ideas both of its religion, Christianity, and its secular scientific, rational mind set. And that is because these are fundamental Christian ideas, wholly absent from other religions, not least Islam.
Secularism, freedom and equal human dignity has not emerged elsewhere organically, from the various other traditions around the world. It is present, if it is, only because of imitations of the West.
Anyway, show us the Islamic call for equality between the sexes, at least before the law, if not in the mosque.
WHere is the Islamic groundswell for the recognition of women's dignity and freedom?
Or at least where is the groundswell to separate the Islamic doctrines from the secular, civil, legal life of Muslims.
Don't bother - there is no such groundswell of apostasy. There is quiet leaving of Islam but public agitation would be treated as blasphemy and we know what happens to them in Muslim countries.
I wouldn't be bothered with any of this if it was all kept in Muslim countries. But it is forcibly exported into every country. Muslims want to introduce sharia courts for family matters - that is, to override the equality of the sexes and to treat women and girl differently. In Western secular countries.
That must be resisted and that must be spoken out against.