Amadd wrote on Jul 16
th, 2014 at 8:27am:
Yes indeed. We can certainly be thankful that America entered WW2.
Barely any of those people are alive today. And of those who are, and having seen the horrors of war, I'll bet they'd advocate all governments to do their utmost to keep out of them.
Al-Qaeda's bin Laden was directing a campaign of mass-murder upon the people of the US from the safety of Afghanistan. If left alone he would have continued indefinitely.
There wouldn't be an old soldier who would disagree with the US taking measures to close al-Qaeda and the Taliban down in Afghanistan.
The Iraq invasion was on
I'd imagine a lot of the WW2 veterans would be a bit disappointed at the eagerness to wage war that some governments have shown.
The WMD fiasco lost me, and lest we forget that one. Not to mention the gulf of Tonkin lie.
Just because I'm greatful for the actions of one generation or government, it doesn't mean that I can't be disappointed or disgusted in the next..and visa versa.
A lot of people have died for the right to freedom...have some respect please.
And btw, where I'm currently situated, there is more WW2 history than you poke a stick at.
Just a few blocks from here, 143 US soldiers perished when the Japs poured petrol over them in an air raid shelter. Those who came running out on fire were clubbed to death, stabbed and beheaded. Only 11 escaped.
There's also many WW2 wrecks that I've dived close to here and many other memorials that makes one feel very privileged at the life I'm able to enjoy today.
It also makes me very angry when it appears to me that some governments are far too headstrong and willing to throw people's lives at a problem where there may be other avenues. [/quote]