GA wrote on Jul 17
th, 2014 at 6:55pm:
cods wrote on Jul 17
th, 2014 at 6:42pm:
GA wrote on Jul 17
th, 2014 at 6:26pm:
It's not as though she's the only women that has ever died. And it's the children that are the big losers, as they've lost both their parents.
And I'm wondering, when the Jodi Arias trial resumes, is it going to get it's own thread? Or is it that only only when a man commits a crime against a women (or children) that this happens. All of the 'X' dominated 'fear-males' here getting all emotional?
Keep this in mind, Allison Baden-Clay's life was taken by an individual, it wasn't the action of a husband, not the action of a man or even a psychopath, as these three types of people are too common in the community in relation to the rarity of the crime to be able to be held accountable.
what the hell are you talking about???...
he wasnt married to her??? REALLY!
and who is Jodi Arias...
If him being a husband had anything in itself to do with the crime, we'd expect many thousands of wives to be murdered daily, dummy.
And exactly, you don't know who Jodi Arias is because she is a women. You know who Oscar Pistorius & Baden-Clay is because they're a males and that gets the real TV coverage, guaranteed, as they're bearers of the 'Y' chromosome.
What does this case from the USA have to do with the Oz case we are discussing in this thread?
I would say there are that many cases in the USA, wouldn't have a clue about this Jodi Arias, but by reading on wiki link that was provided by Neferti, sounds like this Jodi was a schitzo, stalking the poor bloke, hacking into his facebook, slashing his tyers, stealing a gun from her grandparents home, taking photos of their sex before she killed him and in his own place! (from photos recovered whilst she tried to destroy the digi cam in the washing machine).
This case speaks for itself.
We don't have the death penalty in Oz, so don't know why this case has to come up in comparison with the Baden-Clay situation.