Aussie wrote on Jul 16
th, 2014 at 5:17pm:
Sophia wrote on Jul 16
th, 2014 at 5:09pm:
Aussie wrote on Jul 16
th, 2014 at 4:59pm:
Quote:The guilt may be unwarranted, but it's understandable.
It is unwarranted and it is also inexplicable except in context of bizarre self absorption. He would have been better served to say nothing or, do what her brother did, and passionately abuse the living shite out of Clay.
Without knowing much of the father's character, I would say, that the quiet type of person isn't one to do as his (more of the modern day) son did, to be more openly abusive, whereas his generation are more likely to be quietly introverted and saying something more critical of themselves instead. Grief has different ways of bringing emotions and attitudes out.
Self blame.....or one of the stages.
I am his generation. The last thing you would have heard from me (or mates of mine my age) would have been silly blubbery rubbish about a mistake in allowing my daughter (as if I would have been able to stop her) to marry some bloke who, years later, was convicted of murdering her. I'd just murder him, and you'd be reading about my Trial, and conviction. You would not be hearing reports of me saying anything.
I can say you do sound like my hubby, that he wouldn't say much either, he would 'just do' something, and I have often heard him say that he would gladly go to jail then.
But her dad didn't do anything like that, he wanted justice and left it up to the courts and evidence, and police, and witnesses and jury, and maybe, if the s-i-l had gotten off, with no closure of how their daughter died, just maybe then, the father may have done something eh?
Here's a thought about the come Allison's husband didn't come up with this story...that they had a fight, that he wanted to leave her for his lover/mistress, she reacted with clawing at his face and then took off in the night upset and didn't return.
Now that would have been better than all the lies he came up with.....
Them marks on his face, don't look like shaving cuts to me either, and the hubby says he never had cuts with his shavers to look like that...and he does have them often, putting tissues on the cuts, looking like Norman Gunstan!