red baron wrote on Jul 16
th, 2014 at 6:43pm:
Seems to me Aussie that you're a cynical jaded ex Lawyer who cares nothing for the evil Gerard Baden-Clay visited on his family. It wasn't only his wife who was a victim.
I may well be just that. However, your personal view of my persona hardly addresses the reality of the facts I have presented. Emotion has no place in that environment.
Quote:You have set yourself up as THE EXPERT but you're not Aussie. You are really starting to creep me out with your cold blooded observations and I am as cynical as they come.
That's taking it over the top. I'm no expert (and I have ceratinly not 'set my self up' as one,) but I have had the necessary years of experience to make relevant observations. Whether I creep you or anyone else out is completely irrelevant. A Court Room (like an operating theatre) is the very place where cold blooded observations have to be made.
Quote:Seems to me you're making an under handed pass at the Trial Judge without having the guts to come out and say it.
Dunno where you get that from. I have been addressing the state of the evidence so that I can explain why I say there is room for reasonable doubt.
Quote:If you are going to say it then bloody well say it, sick of your wordy lawyer manoevures alluding to things but not coming straight out with it.
I think I've made it quite clear that I reckon there is ample room for reasonable doubt, and I have addressed each point (concerning the evidence) you have raised. It is telling that you have not been able to discredit those points I have made.
Quote:Your observations about Allison Baden-Clay are about as lifeless as a shark's eyes just as they roll over.
I have not made even one observation about Allison Baden-Clay. I have addressed the evidence. All you have done is make the usual cry to emotion which has no place in this discussion about the Trail, the evidence and the outcome.