aquascoot wrote on Jul 28
th, 2014 at 6:14pm:
Karnal wrote on Jul 28
th, 2014 at 5:53pm:
I see, Aquascoot. You’re saying Tibetans and Palestinians should exercise restraint because their oponents have tanks.
Your argument can be equally applied to Jewish settlers - they’re fair game for Palestinian with rocket launchers.
Winners are grinners, eh?
From my perspective, there are no winners in war. The entire purpose of civilisation is to prevent it.
Only Karmic Khristian zealots and Bosch old boys believe there’s any nobility in it.
the current score in the gaza match is palestine
minus 1000
israel minus 40.
anyone would say
(if they were using their brain)
"its time to sack the coach"
"its time for a new game plan"
if they want revenge then take a leaf out of bin ladens book. he used his brain.
revenge is a dish best served cold.
i dont particularly know any jews or palestinians.
1000's of poor african kids die every day, so these deaths are not particularly compassion worthy in my book.
what annoys the bejesus out of me is people acting foolishly.
youre a smart guy karmal, agree with me that the actions of the palestinians are foolish, based on raw emotion, undisciplined
compare that to bin laden
very smart, totally without emotion, very disciplined.
i for one , was appaled when george bush called the 9/11 pilots "cowards", but the current Hamas rabble are cowardly.
it would take discipline and hard work to try a different game plan and they seem lazy and undisciplined and they are getting what they deserve.
Dumb as dog shite I say.
They don't have a good track record let alone even an average one.
I thought they would have learnt when the PLO under Arafat led an uprising in Jordan in 1970/71 to overthrow the monarchy, and the Kings defence force slaughtered nearly 50,000 Palestinians in nine months during the Black September massacres.
Now they live behind razor wire in Jordan despite them comprising 60% of Jordan's population, Lebanon and even the Egyptians would rather help permanently seal them in Gaza and deal with their former blood enemy Israel rather than let them into Egypt.
The Saudi's pay and treat their Palestinian workers as third class coolies.
In fact, they probably treat their Chinese coolies better.
They have managed to annoy most of the Middle East who don't want a bar of them, except when it comes to the matter of killing innocent Jews in Israel.
Then they will give them weapons.
Their like a rabid vicious dog you find in the bush, but instead of killing it, you catch it and throw it in the backyard of someone you don't like, as long as it's not next door to you of course.
Their so stupid, they broke their own ceasefire the other day they themselves requested an hour after it commenced.
As yet in over forty years, they still haven't learnt yet not to try to take others land by force.
So let them continue to throw rocks at tanks.
They can't help themselves.
If they still want a two state solution, give them Antarctica where they can only blow up penguins and not annoy anyone.
And of course allow them to dig tunnels under the ice.
Sure as hell the Israelis have had a gutful of living next to them.
Personally I find the Israeli's ongoing restraint in this Gaza matter over the years annoying.
Imagine if the Russians or the Chinese lived next to Gaza.
The problem would have been fixed in a jiff.
Surely the IDF has a Ghengis Khan amongst them.