aquascoot wrote on Jul 29
th, 2014 at 7:01am:
Annie Anthrax wrote on Jul 28
th, 2014 at 8:41pm:
There is nothing more pathetic than a fascist circle jerk.
The failure of the Arab nations to offer any real assistance to the Palestinian people is not a reflection on the Palestinians - it simply boils down to the fact that Arab rulers are corrupt assholes with no morals to speak of.
If you're trying to validate your racism against the Palestinians, you've got to do better than that.
well one could ask you to validate your anti semetism as well.
what is actually pathetic is people who pretend to be full of empathy but actually aren't.
empathy being the ability to "put yourself in someone elses shoes"
so, if I honestly put myself in a jewish set of shoes and rockets are coming over randomly, I honest can say I would expect my government to take out this threat if it could. that's empathy.
so, if I honestly put myself in a set of Palestinian shoes and I see that I am completely outgunned, I would honestly say to a Molotov cocktail throwing youth, please stop that, you are not helping, and I would honestly say to Hamas, your actions are futile and causing great suffering to our people . please desist. that's empathy.
I usually ignore you, because I find your arguments revolting.
You seem to get some kind of pleasure from this awful situation - I don't sense that from even people like Chicken Lips who actually have a stake in what happens. I honestly think you're unhinged.
This time, however, I will answer you.
I am not an anti-semite. Perhaps the intricacies of the subject are too delicate for you to grasp, but there are many Jews who aren't Zionists.
What government is the government of Jews?
I could "put myself in the shoes of Jews" like Naomi Wolf, Noam Chomsky or even the thousands of Israeli Jews who protested the war in Tel Aviv and were beaten up by rightwing thugs.
Anyway, I am no anti-semite. Show me where I have demonstrated any anti-semitism.
And you're wrong about empathy. That's not it.
i dont take much pleasure in this situation. i dislike foolish people and the palestinians are acting foolishly. if you want to see people that take pleasure in this sort of stuff, check out the pics of the 2 australian citizen muslims in syria holding up 4 heads they ve just cut up and tweeting each other with big smiles. its the deranged muslims who take pleasure in blood.