Karnal wrote on Aug 2
nd, 2014 at 2:20pm:
Lionel Edriess wrote on Aug 2
nd, 2014 at 12:09pm:
Karnal wrote on Aug 2
nd, 2014 at 11:54am:
Lionel, are you saying this is just Palestinian propaganda and Israel is not going to bomb the hospital?
Not at all. According to that source, they have already announced their intention to do so. Now we'll have to wait and see what unfolds.
So why deny the evidence of eye witnesses? Why take part in a propaganda war when you believe that hospitals
are being targeted?
This is a war with huge civilian casualties. With the exception of people like Herbie who want to see Palestinians
culled, I don’t understand why any civilized person would seek to minimize or deflect from the fact that innocent people are being massacred by Israel. It’s one thing to present causes and reasons for this war, it’s another to deny that innocent people aren’t being wounded and killed in their droves.
Israel has every right to defend itself from Palestinian rockets. It doesn’t have the right to massacre an entire population. Israel is currently breaking international law and breaching UN resolutions. You might disagree with the resolutions, but no one can pretend Israel isn’t violating them.
It’s easy to play Andrew Bolt with the facts. It’s a lot harder to accept the cold hard fact that Israel is bombing hospitals and schools and killing thousands of innocent civilians as we speak.
Eye-witness accounts carry a lot more weight than the views of columnists in the Australian. In an age of information/propaganda, one of the biggest problems we face is that facts and opinion are reversed. This leads to the problems
Aquascoot described - an inability to empathize with fellow humans. It’s how the Holocaust was allowed to happen, and today, it’s how new crimes against humanity are excused, deflected and abstracted out of all proportion.
Karmal, i listened to a christian in iraq this morning talking about the genocide of christians , the destruction of churches, the attempt to wipe out a history that goes back 1800 years (i hadnt been aware that iraq had several million christians).
This was the first time i'd ever heard a media story on this .
If we compare the media coverage on the gaza situation, it is saturation coverage, it is relentless, it has been going on , as far as i can remember since i was at school.
I think the media can lead to a type of "compassion fatigue, or compassion burnout"
The KONI story was wildly popular on social media a year or so ago. now it seems totally forgotten. the punters have a type of ADD, its hard to hold their attention for long.
Does media saturation that goes on for years really do
a cause good. Perhaps it does.
it does seem a little unfair to me.
The daniel morcombe case being a classic media craze that really took off.
red shirt days, lighting brisbane bridges red, daniel on milk cartons, daniel on the sides of buses. to me it seemed too much focus on one case and it seemed to be unfair to the other 20,000 missing people in OZ.
24 detectives worked the case , non stop for 12 years. i remember someone bringing up an aboriginal boy who went missing the same day as daniel. the police did no more than file a missing person report. his body was found a year later weighed down with stones in a Qld river. no taskforce, no conviction, no media frenzy.
to me, that stinks.
and to me, for the media to be in a frenzy over gaza stinks as well. it is unfair on all the suffering going on elsewhere . the palestinians have running water, schools , hospitals, billions in aid.
Lets have some equal coverage of the people in ethiopia , nigeria, i believe the war in algeria has reflared. lets not have the gazans as the total focus of world media attention. i feel it detracts from other people who could use our aid and would probably use it much better.
I hear the USA is to spend another 500 million re-equipping the dome shield for the israelis. think how much suffering that could relive in sub saharan africa. but it wont. No media there, no media = not worthy of comapssion it seems.