wally1 wrote on Jul 19
th, 2014 at 4:28pm:
Nice picture/s Wally, however the first one on the left which is the sole basis for the next two is wrong.
The land was known from 1917 onwards as the British Protectorate of Palestine, not just Palestine as your defective pictures show, a region which was ably administered by the British oddly enough.
They seized it off the Ottoman Empire in 1917 who were known as the Eastern Roman Empire before they turned Muslim in the 9th century AD.
And before that, the Roman Empire administered the region long before Christ was born.
And it goes right back to the time of the Persians, a time when Greece was a collection of city states.
There has never been a country called "Palestine", and never will be.
There was however a King of Israel 4000 years ago.