Annie Anthrax wrote on Jul 22
nd, 2014 at 11:00am:
Lord Herbert wrote on Jul 22
nd, 2014 at 10:50am:
Annie Anthrax wrote on Jul 22
nd, 2014 at 9:37am:
I could probably write your callousness off if you just didn't care, but you seem to take some kind of pleasure in the suffering of the people there - that's frightening.
Who? Me? Yadda?
Those children ~ (and God bless 'em) ~ are/were destined to grow up hating Israel with a
genocidal passion.
In spite of Israel's campaign to win hearts and minds

Don't be silly, Herb. Having your family killed or your home with everything you own in it demolished is a far more effective radicaliser than the any parent.
Annie, if you do not see that this is all Hamas's doing then you are blind.
Before Hamas started firing rockets, it was quiet.
Hamas started firing rockets -the Jews hit back as they should.
To get all flustered by the consequences of provoking a response is utterly, utterly dishonest.
Israel takes its responsibilities for its children seriously.
Hamas does not. If they did, they would not START these kinds of confrontations.
Here's an awful truth - the Palestinians will not desist until enough of them are killed for them to know that it is time to stop. You can't reasons with them.
They will stop when it's worth their while to stop sacrificing their own children. They love death more than they love their own children. You can't cure that from here.