from the same sourceSome extracts from the first page
The leading figure among the Lebanese Shiite community, Sayyid
Muhammad Hussayn Fadlallah,
gave them his endorsement. He stated, "Sometimes you may find some situations where you have to take risks. When reality requires a shock, delivered with violence, so you can call upon all those things buried within, and expand all the horizons around you – as, for example, in the
self-martyrdom operations, which some called suicide operations".We view this as
religiously lawful warfare against the world’s imperialist and domineering powers.
For Fadlallah there is no difference between setting out for battle knowing you will die after killing ten of the enemy, and setting out to the field to kill ten and
knowing you will die while killing them.
Without suicide bombers/martyrdom operations, ‘‘we wouldn’t have been able to win’’,I've yet to see one muslim or their apologist prove beyond doubt that fundamentalist suicide bombers are not devoutly following the qur'an, allah, Muhammad and islam