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the World's Cheapest Commodity? (Read 2851 times)
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the World's Cheapest Commodity?
Jul 19th, 2014 at 8:22pm
well it is apparent .....the cheapest commodity on this planet is human beings..our lives are as nothing to the powers of prejudice hatred greed

The cheapest commodity on this earth is the individual human being... in numbers too numerous to mention...  we die and die and die,, and ... profits are made, and territory is gained , and people die.. and die.

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Re: the World's Cheapest Commodity?
Reply #1 - Jul 19th, 2014 at 8:33pm

yes, laws of supply and demand, effect on the environment, humans are of a negative worth.
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: the World's Cheapest Commodity?
Reply #2 - Jul 19th, 2014 at 8:54pm
indeed... human life requires such that the fewer the better.
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Re: the World's Cheapest Commodity?
Reply #3 - Jul 19th, 2014 at 8:58pm
or  .. we could try to give up Coca Cola and Fast foods and flying overseas for holidays, and try eating home grown food,  holidaying at home  and being very aware of every resource we use daily... but lets face it... 

thats not going to happen...  at least not until WE are lining up for our ration of food,  water, and bedding, etc...

and once again... being realistic..  that will be TOO LATE people.

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Re: the World's Cheapest Commodity?
Reply #4 - Jul 19th, 2014 at 9:09pm
I do my bit
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Re: the World's Cheapest Commodity?
Reply #5 - Jul 19th, 2014 at 9:23pm
many of us do .. but many more of us choose to ignore reality.

Human life has never been cheaper than now...  an infinitely replaceable resource...  given our fecundity.
WE,  here in OZ,  just happen to be among the fortunate born in better circumstances than most of the people of the world.

In no way does that make us superior...  it makes us lucky..

and I get so sick of hearing the dialogues of hatred and ignorance that is so pronounced by the 'haves'... 

is there a better world..??
well perhaps if humans represented an equivalent population to other top end predators.  As it is.. we kill everything....
lest we be killed.. and that especially applies to other human beings..

how sad is that..??

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Re: the World's Cheapest Commodity?
Reply #6 - Jul 19th, 2014 at 9:36pm
Emma wrote on Jul 19th, 2014 at 8:54pm:
indeed... human life requires such that the fewer the better.

well, fewer than there are now.
A lot less.
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: the World's Cheapest Commodity?
Reply #7 - Jul 19th, 2014 at 10:15pm
yah  a whole lot less... 

as it is .. we are a plague.. an uncontained cancerous mass that seems likely to destroy everything.. in the long run.. unless something comes along to curtail our psychopathy.

Mother has thrown lots at us.. we  remain.    For now. Sad
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\/ Peace man!

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Re: the World's Cheapest Commodity?
Reply #8 - Jul 19th, 2014 at 10:20pm
Emma wrote on Jul 19th, 2014 at 10:15pm:
yah  a whole lot less... 

as it is .. we are a plague.. an uncontained cancerous mass that seems likely to destroy everything.. in the long run.. unless something comes along to curtail our psychopathy.

Mother has thrown lots at us.. we  remain.    For now. Sad

So we should remove some of our population, the righties say we should turn the ME to glass.
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Re: the World's Cheapest Commodity?
Reply #9 - Jul 19th, 2014 at 10:28pm
peace to you brother.. 


Well  I remember when I was young...  ( Matt Taylor)
....... the Earth went round the SUN
and I was happy.... 

could you perhaps explain to me what you mean...  ??

All flesh is grass ... where do righties fit in?...
we are all culpable... regardless of our politics.
  Politics is the veneer we throw over our savagery.. it is an attempt to control what is essentially uncontrollable..  for popular consumption.

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\/ Peace man!

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Re: the World's Cheapest Commodity?
Reply #10 - Jul 19th, 2014 at 10:37pm
Emma wrote on Jul 19th, 2014 at 10:28pm:
peace to you brother.. 


Well  I remember when I was young...  ( Matt Taylor)
....... the Earth went round the SUN
and I was happy.... 

could you perhaps explain to me what you mean...  ??

All flesh is grass ... where do righties fit in?...
we are all culpable... regardless of our politics.
  Politics is the veneer we throw over our savagery.. it is an attempt to control what is essentially uncontrollable..  for popular consumption.

We also use to wonder about the Earth and how it moved around the sun so snappy. Imagination run wild makes a very backward child they told me. Used to watch them down at the White Sands(Scarborough, Perth) when I was younger.

We are undoubtedly still savages, not convinced on the plague. I hope not, plagues tend to run their course then disappear.

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Re: the World's Cheapest Commodity?
Reply #11 - Jul 19th, 2014 at 11:29pm
yeah well how about a very adaptive VIRUS..rather than the plague.

like the FLU.

It is true, as you say Setanta Ebola.. which is likely too virulent to spread very far in its current form... 'cos it is too efficient at killing it's hosts... altho it still may, in fact likely will, adapt. .

But... we are just beginning to see the rise of potential pandemics that would decimate the population, and remember.. just like humans... virus is compelled to adapt and conquer. 

Bacteria .. the most common form of life on earth...  are also mounting a comeback... 

Mother will keep on trying.. and she will win. Smiley

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Re: the World's Cheapest Commodity?
Reply #12 - Jul 19th, 2014 at 11:35pm
seems to me we have all acquired the hubris ....  we have the belief in species superiority...  when in fact no such comparisons are valid...
we put ourselves outside .....  but

Might does not equal right. A lesson we haven't learned yet.
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\/ Peace man!

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Re: the World's Cheapest Commodity?
Reply #13 - Jul 19th, 2014 at 11:49pm
Emma wrote on Jul 19th, 2014 at 11:29pm:
yeah well how about a very adaptive VIRUS..rather than the plague.

like the FLU.

It is true, as you say Setanta Ebola.. which is likely too virulent to spread very far in its current form... 'cos it is too efficient at killing it's hosts... altho it still may, in fact likely will, adapt. .

But... we are just beginning to see the rise of potential pandemics that would decimate the population, and remember.. just like humans... virus is compelled to adapt and conquer. 

Bacteria .. the most common form of life on earth...  are also mounting a comeback... 

Mother will keep on trying.. and she will win. Smiley


If we are like a virus, then like viruses, that's nature. Where we differ is that we are sentient. How much that matters in the scheme of life(nature/universe) is yet to be decided.
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Re: the World's Cheapest Commodity?
Reply #14 - Jul 20th, 2014 at 12:51am
the world exists  ..we exist...  We believe
..sentience = good...

But we also KNOW 
sentience = pyschopathy

  a double-edged sword...

both are visible to us everyday.. but seems  psychos are winning hands down ...
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