freediver wrote on Jul 27
th, 2014 at 7:54pm:
I agree with you about the global Muslim victimhood complex in a variety of geopolitical contexts (angry Arabs, white rappers etc). I just think it has been around longer than you are willing to acknowledge.
Hmmm I'd suggest you are getting me confused with you...
freediver wrote on Apr 30
th, 2007 at 12:48pm:
most current terrorist attacks or by people from the middle east or by people responding to the current situation in the middle east. It is not Islam that breeds terrorism, but political upheaval and the middle east is where most of the world's political problems currently are. As with most of these problems it can be traced back to past historical events, most of them during or immediately after WWII.
Thats you, not me.
As for what *I* said - I made no mention of how recent these geopolitical contexts were. But if I was pushed I wouldn't be so bold as to say its almost all down to events that happened post WWII. I'd say it goes back to at least the crusades, or more broadly when the west started gaining political-global dominance - at the expense of the previously dominant muslims.
I agree wholeheartedly though with what you said about this complex having little to do with the teachings of Muhammad, or whats in the Quran. These issues are fundamentally non-islamic, though they can take islamic dimesions - and blaming islam is just grasping at simplistic explanations to our problems.