freediver wrote on Jul 29
th, 2014 at 1:02pm:
In other words you built an elaborate strawman and anyone who points this out is a troll.
Dismissing the accounts of independent reporters as "leaps of logic" - and whatever other meaningless crap jumps into your head without even attempting to explain what you mean by that description is grade A trolling. We have here the only thing remotely resembling evidence in relation to the human shield claim, yet you would dismiss and belittle it, and insist that blatant propaganda must be accepted at face value without question. In fact not just dismissing and belittling it, but not even attempting a sensible justification for doing so - outside the standard 'garrr evil muslims" meme.
freediver wrote on Jul 29
th, 2014 at 1:02pm:
You don't actually care if Hamas is deliberately hiding behind palestinian civilians and taking political advantage of the misery they bring upon them. We are only allowed to discuss the one particular version of "hiding behind" you managed to dig up from somewhere.
Firstly *YOU* don't care if that meme is even true - or at the very least you don't want to even consider any evidence that may refute it. Secondly, this "one particular version" is based on the only shred of evidence about the meme that has been presented thus far. If you wish to discuss a different version - that is based on some actual evidence - and not just your prejudicial bs masquerading as "common sense" and "common knowledge" - then lets have it.
freediver wrote on Jul 29
th, 2014 at 1:02pm:
A point I have repeatedly made to you, that you stubbornly refuse to address, is that Hamas is totally outgunned and could not possibly take on Israel without hiding among civilians and relying on Israel not being prepared to stoop as low as them. You post some obviously staged photos of Hamas fighting among trees in an open area (an area that according to Annie does not even exist). an actual Qassam launch site in Gaza captured by IDF. (image too big to post).
I'd say thats about as open as you can get in Gaza. Also, lets look at the actual evidence to date - Israel and the UN made much song and dance about rockets being stored in a disused school. I say again - a
disused school. Tell me, if they were all about hiding behind little girl's skirts, why wouldn't they use an actual school, full of little kids, rather than a disused school?
Given what evidence we have at the moment (and that is bugger all), the scenario that Hamas is using buildings and other terrain that is as least populated as is practically possible for Gaza, but still provides some cover for them - is just as plausible as the alternative made-for-propaganda scenario spewed every opportunity by Israeli authorities.
freediver wrote on Jul 29
th, 2014 at 1:02pm:
To top this off you post a photo of the Israelis arresting some idiot kid and insist they are the ones really using human shields. The Israeli army does not need human shields.
Umm sorry to burst your bubble FD, but the IDF itself has admitted to using human shields during the second intifada. It was taken to the Israeli High Court.
freediver wrote on Jul 29
th, 2014 at 1:02pm:
They are scum, and you are desperately trying to quibble over what flavour of scum they are and labeling anyone who doesn't care about the flavour a troll.
They probably are - but occupations tend to produce scum. Another viewpoint is that the Israeli government is scum - for engaging in collective punishment (such as putting Gazan's "on a diet" - an Israeli official's term), and conducting periodic massacres in an effort to turn the Palestinians off Hamas. This viewpoint is based on the idea that such military operations not only don't reduce the threat of rockets, but inspire Hamas to become more efficient and develop deadlier weapons (which has been evident after each war).
freediver wrote on Jul 29
th, 2014 at 1:02pm:
Remember, this thread is about what flavour of scum Hamas are, and trying to change the subject to Israel is trolling.
Actually the thread is about what evidence we have for the propaganda being used by the Israeli government (check the OP). What trolling is, if it really needs to be spelled out to you, is perpetuating baseless smears and caricatures and masquearading it as "common sense" and "common knowledge".