Wages/costs of living, wages/costs of living.... get the equation right. You cannot look at one without the other.
Install a steady reduction in costs of living by abolishing hydra-headed 'new enterprises' created by the privatisation fallacy;
Re-nationalise public utilities;
Begin the abolition of the MADIF by re-creating an adequate single income that can cater to the family unit and not the individual, and by the abolition of PPL and childcare subsidies to those over $100k family income;
Reduce payments to 'ceos' and 'board members' along with the abolition of 'privatised' industries and QANGOS;
Reduce politician rorts and expense accounts and incomes to a reasonable level for work value;
Cut off investment opportunities in dead stock such as property and install a new regime of investment in solid future infrastructure that creates ongoing work and prosperity for the many, thus guaranteeing a solid revenue return to government via taxation;
Draw down an adequate return from resource ripping instead of flogging it off to blatant ripoff merchants from overseas who will use it to further exploit their own people unto poverty and death and neo-slavery on $2 a day;
Check out the post by The Grappler that shows world minimum wages by colour posted earlier today and consider who we are 'competing' with..... then ask yourself why we are doing so at all other than to profit ten people massively