moses wrote on Aug 25
th, 2014 at 9:07pm:
An apologist for islamic terrorism, E.G. Karnal wrote:
Quote:Yes, Moses. It’s the best I can do.
The Jewish religion still exists. Its adherents follow a book called Leviticus, full of some really interesting execution and torture techniques.The Quran, by comparison, is quite tedious.
These people make up 0.3% of the population. Not many, but a few hundred thousand people in Australia have never condemned the laws of the Torah.
What do you think we should do with them?
If the Joos (en masse) ever start showing their undivided loyalty to Leviticus over 21st century civilization laws and sensibilities, start a campaign of terrorism, torture and mass murder against all non Joos, I would clearly opt for exposing, ridiculing and denigrating them (and their apologists) with every option available to the rest of us.
The Joos have their own special court, the Beth Din, in Victoria. The Joos have their own state, Israel, where Australian Joos go, many signing up to fight for its army. The Joos have a secret service, Mossad, that conducts illegal operations in foreign countries - kidnappings, assasinations, terrorist bombings, mass murder. Mossad won’t even promise not to steal Australian passports to conduct its terrorism.
And the Joos have never ever condemned the laws of Leviticus. To this very day, orthadox Joos hold Leviticus up as the law Gud gave them, over and above all other laws.
Personally, I just think you should be nice to people, Moses, but if you want to hold true to your word, you’d better get to work on the Joos.
After that, you can start on the Hindus, and on and on it will go. Always, absolutely, never ever.
It is a jolly world, no?