moses wrote on Aug 26
th, 2014 at 1:02pm:
A spineless apologist for islamic terrorism wrote:
Quote:The Joos have their own special court, the Beth Din, in Victoria. The Joos have their own state, Israel, where Australian Joos go, many signing up to fight for its army. The Joos have a secret service, Mossad, that conducts illegal operations in foreign countries - kidnappings, assasinations, terrorist bombings, mass murder. Mossad won’t even promise not to steal Australian passports to conduct its terrorism.
And the Joos have never ever condemned the laws of Leviticus. To this very day, orthadox Joos hold Leviticus up as the law Gud gave them, over and above all other laws.
Personally, I just think you should be nice to people, Moses, but if you want to hold true to your word, you’d better get to work on the Joos.
After that, you can start on the Hindus, and on and on it will go. Always, absolutely, never ever.
It is a jolly world, no?
Joos must be the cleverest kidnappers, terrorists, secret service, assassinators, mass murderers etc. on this globe.
No one seems to be the least bit worried about the Jooish kidnappers, terrorists, secret service, assassinators, mass murderers.
Oh yeah that's right, muslims and their spineless apologists are extremely apprehensive about Joos.
However give us a yell would you, if ever the Joos start beheading, stoning and murdering innocents, or the world classes them as terrorists, torturers and mass murderers, worthy of being placed under strict security measures.
Until then muslims are the known terrorists, torturers and mass murderers.
It still stands that any muslim or their apologist,who refuses to condemn the teachings of muhammad, the commands of allah in the qur'an and verses in the hadi'th (which inspire the islamic terrorists, torturers and mass murderers) as being wrong, evil and absolutely not relevant to the 21st century, are supporters of islamic atrocities some physically, some morally.
Thanks for the clarification, Moses. You’re now asking us to ignore all your previous arguments and just go with what "the world" judges to be worthy of being placed under strict security measures.
Which is strange, because the US, the UN, and a host of other multilateral organizations and NGOs class the Joos’ actions in Palestine to be illegal, immoral, a violation of human rights and yes, a grave danger to global security.
Many countries, including Australia, are very concerned about the security risk posed by Mossad agents posing as tourists or even citizens. A number of Mossad agents are reported to have ASIO and ASIS files, and these spies are considered a risk in a number of countries, some having been indicted for murder and terrorism.
Israel refuses to honour these indictments, despite bilateral treaties.
Many parts of the world now have trade sanctions on Israel, including former trading partners in Latin America. The UN has voted on a number of security resolutions on Israel, declaring Israeli occupation of Palestinian areas to be illegal. The UN has even had peacekeeping missions there - actual UN soldiers policing the Joo’ homeland wiith "strict security measures".
The recent Israeli attacks on Gaza received condemnation from most parts of the world, some countries even using the word genocide. Not one country stood up to support Israel’s recent actions in Gaza - not even the US.
Would you like us to forget this argument too, Moses? Perhaps you can throw in a few slurs on spineless apologists and supporters of Islamic atrocities and no one will notice.