aquascoot wrote on Aug 13 th, 2014 at 7:39pm: Karnal wrote on Aug 13 th, 2014 at 6:54pm: aquascoot wrote on Aug 13 th, 2014 at 3:41pm: Karnal wrote on Aug 13 th, 2014 at 2:16pm: aquascoot wrote on Aug 12 th, 2014 at 9:03pm: Karnal wrote on Aug 12 th, 2014 at 8:32pm: aquascoot wrote on Aug 12 th, 2014 at 8:20pm: Karnal wrote on Aug 12 th, 2014 at 7:51pm: Really, dear, you can go to Malaysia (aviation and financial services), Pakistan (cricket) and India (IT, Bollywood, pharmaceuticals and software) to find dozens of global Muslim business leaders, sportsmen, scientists and recording artists.
As for Finland being the home of Volvo and Ikea, you’ll find more high-growth companies in Malaysia and Indonesia than Sweden. Guess which (boring) country has the highest per-capita GDP in the world?
If you didn’t get things so ridiculously wrong, we wouldn’t need to keep coming in to correct you, dear. given the choice, dear, i'd live in sweden over indonesia any day . and pakistan a great sporting nation, tasmanians have won more gold medals than pakistan. india is mainly hindu and the only lucky break the indians and pakistanis ever got was having the marvellous british empire build them some railroads and teach them to speak good english. Qatar has money because of resources, would you extend the same admiration to Miss G Rinehardt Finland is a significantly different country to Sweden, dear. I know they all look the same. Qatar distributes its resources to more people than Gina does. Qatar has global television networks, airlines, hotel and shopping mall chains - oh, and terrorist-cells. You really need to get out more. I put that in as a test, well done, but Sweden and Finland get on remarkably well. They rarely gas each other, lob random bombs at each other and Swedish dads rarely go to Finland and get their children to hold up severed heads. All round good guys. Except for that anders brevic chap who was obviously a freemason That Anders Breivik chap was a Norwegian, dear. I know they all look and sound the same, but they've modernised to form these things called nation states. The old boy likes Danish. Believe it or not, this makes him quite a different beast to Anders Breivik, even though they both share the same love for offending. I'm told they even speak a different language. The old boy, you see, is a Freudian. Your severed head-holding lad was an Australian. Shurely shome mishtake, eh? Please provide a few options the next time you set a test, dear. The FD method is to ask questions. I prefer multiple choice. For example: The wealthiest nation in the world comprises of: A) Australians B) The tinted races C) Huns D) Swarthy Muhammedans It's a hard one, I know. Still, food for thought, eh? no he wasnt an australian. i rang his dad and he has never seen crocodile dundee 1 or 2 , so we revoked his citizenship. now karmal, lets not be silly. So qatar has a lot of natural resources. the whole middle east has lots of natural resources. we could contrast that with singapore which has none or taiwan which has some gravel i believe. Or Queensland, dear, where you’d prefer to live. Queensland’s number one export is: A) Financial services like Singapore B) Taiwanese dim sims C) Smart technologies and value-added goods people like to buy D) Coking coal Take your time, dear. now karmal. my neighbour produces milk at a unit cost of about 5 cents a litre. gods truth ...the saudis decided they wanted a dairy industry. they built a massive desal plant, fueled by oil , they irrigated the desert, the figures were 25,000 litres of water to one litre of milk. the cost was about $18 a litre of milk and because they have poor hygiene they got brucellosis in the milk and trashed the whole billion dollar venture. we in qld are the pride of the nation (along with WA) and we shall form a new country and be the agricultural and tourist centre of asia. we'll build a big wall, israeli style and you, karmal, can lob rockets over at us and we'll get the UN to feed you all. The correct answer is D. Coking coal. Would you like another test, dear?