athos wrote on Aug 14
th, 2014 at 8:03am:
Just wondering when Saudi Arabia will organize multicultural festivals for large number of Hindus and Christians who work and live there.
Forget your political correctness. The fact is that Muslims in Australia multiply like rabbits because they reduced their women on factories for new jihadists.
How it works?.
Muslim man marries three women with two of them are on social security benefit as single mothers and all together with 18 children, of course paid by your tax money.
That’s how you finance your own disaster until Muslims expel you from Australia as they expelled Christians and others from Syria, Iraq, Kosovo etc.
Tomorrow your head willbe in his hands. This is true athos but they are fairly stupid.
it would appear that all the muslim stallions in the middle east are fighting other muslim stallions and a lot of the good broodmares are killed as collateral damage.
I would never let 2 stallions together in the same paddock . one will kick the other to death.
a good breeding program requires very very good fencing to keep the animals from causing serious injury to each other.
the jews are good at fence building . get them onto it .
my stallions aren't quite as sadistic as these muslim stallions though. I cant remember one of my stallions biting the head off an opponent and then getting one of the young colts to pose for a photo with the head.
maybe you could teach a camel or a goat to do this