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Womens Biggest Issues Are ... (Read 73100 times)
Lisa Jones
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Re: Womens Biggest Issues Are ...
Reply #480 - Jun 1st, 2015 at 1:34am
If men persist in being beastly unfair about gender equality, then we won't marry them or bear their children.

Let's see how they like that!

(See, we do have some leverage after all lol  Tongue)

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HYPATIA - Greek philosopher, mathematician and astronomer (370 - 415)
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Re: Womens Biggest Issues Are ...
Reply #481 - Jun 1st, 2015 at 1:46am
I am happy for you that your home is NOT a battleground, and you should rightly be happy about that.
But Lisa, your experience is not necessarily that of all 'homes'.

You seem to be somewhat oblivious to what is a harsh reality for many women and children.
To suggest that women 'should just get on with it',  is a bit like telling a severely depressed individual to 'just pull your socks up' and get on with it.

Really Lisa. This is not a choice for many, and your insensitivity to it is what led  me to think that you were really a male. You do not know what you are really saying do you.?  perhaps thats why so many other females find you offensive. 

Good luck to you, but don't think everybody else is in the same position as your professed cosy happy family life.
That is just wearing blinkers.
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Lisa Jones
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Re: Womens Biggest Issues Are ...
Reply #482 - Jun 1st, 2015 at 2:09am
I don't really care what strangers on the internet think or say about me to be honest.

I do care about doing the very best I can in life to help those around me.

Night and sweet dreams Smiley

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HYPATIA - Greek philosopher, mathematician and astronomer (370 - 415)
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Re: Womens Biggest Issues Are ...
Reply #483 - Jun 1st, 2015 at 8:21am
Emma wrote on May 31st, 2015 at 8:27pm:
But that isn't what you are saying is it.?
You are saying given the 'nature' of the differences, social constructs have arisen over the millenia to further those differences. You are saying that in reality, women are inferior to males, in the context of the modern world. IE  Patriarchy.

Furthermore you imply that a patriarchy is somehow preferable to a matriarchy, which hasn't been proposed by anyone other than you by the way.

Mothra wants to be rid of the patriarchy, as do I. 
I mean look at the WORLD..  Brought to you by Male RULE.

It is really is time to leave our animal selves behind and look to the greater good. !


No I am not saying that, you are projecting that onto that which I have said, seemingly in order to box me up as yet "another male who, by virtue of gender, must be the enemy"...

I imply nothing, I merely asked the question, what next after we remove the patriarchy - that his still not been explained, defined or clearly outlined apart from a wishy washy and, given human (not genderfied) nature an ill conceived idea of "I thought we would all just get along...."

At no time in history has "shared" leadership (this is ultimately what is being discussed isn't it?) been particularly successful, sustainable or fruitful over time. Perhaps in some short bursts, at best.

No I am not implying that Patriarchy is better by that, just to nip that "so what you are saying..." re-frame before your fingers run away with you...

So, at best an "..archy" isn't our best answer, however, as a species (not just a gender...) we seem to be too immature still to get past that.

"It is really is time to leave our animal selves behind and look to the greater good. !"

This comment appears to share common ground with your nemesis - the patriarchy...

That leaving our "animal" selves behind has been one of our biggest drivers as a species ever since we labelled ourselves the smartest animal, the top of the heap.

Perhaps we actually need to look back to nature at what we have left behind - some of it might have been useful (and not just for individuals or specific genders) but for our species.

Our culture has mostly been dominated by males, for an awfully long time - the harsh reality then, that is not going to change in a hurry realistically. However, to also be fair and honest, that has not occurred without females having been complicit. How ironic that men and women have actively worked together to, in effect, make women's lot a bit worse off.

That said, it is also worth acknowledging that there have been a few positive changes to how we do society that have made small steps to address this. For example, you have far more access to your own money than your Grandmother, hell, possibly even your Mother did. No, it hasn't fixed things yet - but improvement has happened.

This idea of "Men superior v Women inferior" is your problem, not mine. I reckon I have been clear about that, but maybe not clear enough for your liking - bummer.

Look at it this way (if you like)....

Person A excels at athletics, is extremely fit and flexible, yet almost illiterate.

Person B is articulate, creative and demonstrates excellent critical thinking skills.

Are these people equal?

If they are not equal, is one superior to the other?

Now, I know what I think about this, but I put this to you, tell me what you think please?

No need to tell me what I am thinking/saying/implying with this one at all really.
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Re: Womens Biggest Issues Are ...
Reply #484 - Jun 1st, 2015 at 7:53pm
before I even read further, I have to tell you I do not see you as an 'enemy'.  THAT is YOUR problem. I'll read it later.

After some tucker, I'll reply further.
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Re: Womens Biggest Issues Are ...
Reply #485 - Jun 1st, 2015 at 10:19pm

we do seem to be saying pretty much the same thing.

Please believe me when I say that I don't see you as an enemy.
I am merely asking where you stand re 'equailty'. I still don't know. I guess it depends on your definition of equality.

To me.. all people are equal, regardless of their birth or gender. All people deserve justice and fair treatment. I believe it should not even be a MATTER FOR DISCUSSION, GIVEN TRUE JUSTICE ooops  for all people.

So I am an Idealist. I  still believe overall that humans want to help their fellows.
What IS sad is the role played by politics and power.

Which has obviously degraded our ethical selves to such a degree that common humanity and decent treatment ( see Australia's Camps for Refugees) is politically incorrect, here in Oz.  Our forebears will be turning in their graves. Sad

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Lisa Jones
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Re: Womens Biggest Issues Are ...
Reply #486 - Jun 2nd, 2015 at 10:27am
Emma wrote on Jun 1st, 2015 at 7:53pm:
before I even read further, I have to tell you I do not see you as an 'enemy'.  THAT is YOUR problem. I'll read it later.

After some tucker, I'll reply further.

In case you're wondering, I don't see you as an enemy either.

I don't even know you lol.  Smiley
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HYPATIA - Greek philosopher, mathematician and astronomer (370 - 415)
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Re: Womens Biggest Issues Are ...
Reply #487 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 12:45am
Phemanderac wrote on May 30th, 2015 at 9:42am:
mothra wrote on May 29th, 2015 at 5:56pm:
Phemanderac wrote on May 29th, 2015 at 9:48am:
I am sure that some "feminists" argue for equality across the board, despite that being impossible in nature....


However, for the main part "equality" that the feminist movement strives for is about opportunity. I know that then becomes a messy idea for those who would argue in favour of the present inequitable situation though, because it is a fair, logical and irrefutable position to hold.

Physically, emotionally and developmentally we are (in a general sense) different. Does different though automatically become a default position of inequality?

It seems to me that taking a strengths based viewpoint then, once again the "equality" argument becomes a bit fraut.

CW is right, we are not all equal and, this is not just on the basis of gender, however, it would be disingenuous
to suggest that this somehow refutes any/all arguments about equality on the basis of opportunity.

I once got into a rather heated debate with a feminist a generation older than myself about what equality should and can mean. She was from the older, more Marxist inspired branch of feminism than myself and argued passionately that equality required equal expectations and opportunities without exception.

I am more inclined to view feminism as being less about women and men per se, rather about the masculine and the feminine. This embraces the continuum a little better i believe an rep-resents more people. There are some men who are ostracised for having feminine qualities and women who are ostracised because of masculine qualities, although the intent behind the criticism is starkly different.In society, feminine qualities are considered to be of lesser worth than masculine qualities; and as such the feminine is under-represented and under-resourced. Men and women can both suffer from this and not presented with equal opportunity despite having the skills and innate qualities.

For example, men working in caring and nurturing professions are often viewed with suspicion despite that man being caring and nurturing by nature. It explains why women fare better in the family courts. Women are overlooked for physical jobs, despite the fact that many women are quite strong and resilient enough to accomplish them. It explains why women rarely get into positions of power.

The effects of this dynamic are more sinister when applied to society en masse of course. The masculine is seen as powerful and elite. Certain types of men, therefore, hold the balance of power.

It's not all men. It's very rarely a woman.

This is the patriarchy. It keeps both men and women down.

I am curious, what would this patriarchy be replaced with.

To be clear, I am not saying that a patriarchy mentality is not still pervasive in our culture. However, it seems to me that at our present state of development we have two options we will have a patriarchy or a matriarchy - now to my mind that seems that either way we go there we still have power imbalances based on nothing more than social constructs driven by gender inequality... Limited freedom.

I guess we all need to be clear on if we are getting equal or just getting even...

I disagree Phem. We could not possibly replace a patriarchy with a matriarchy so that point is academic only.

I propose we as a society start to value the 'feminine' as much as we value the 'masculine'. This would include putting a more diverse group of women on television, for example. It would include equal opportunities for employment across all fields.

The problem we have is that we are dealing with set mind-sets. Education programs need to be implemented to counter these mind-sets.  The feminine needs to be encouraged in both genders and particularly in our children. We still hold on to very outdated philosophies such as 'boys don't cry' and 'boys don't play with dolls'. This needs to stop.

I'm not a fan of affirmative action in principle, but i resign myself to the reality that it is indeed what we need to begin to level out the playing field. More women and minorities need to be advanced through employment and placement opportunities. I hear the cries of men lambasting this as unfair ... but what is the alternative? We need to regain balance.

Furthermore we need to stand up against the backlash towards feminism. It is unfounded and propelled by a media that presents only the fanatical as the norm.

In short, we need to replace the patriarchy with equality. We need to expand our definition of what is worthy of success.
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Re: Womens Biggest Issues Are ...
Reply #488 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 12:49am
Phemanderac wrote on May 31st, 2015 at 12:41am:
Emma wrote on May 30th, 2015 at 11:10pm:
Phemanderac wrote on May 30th, 2015 at 9:32am:
Emma wrote on May 30th, 2015 at 1:35am:
Phemanderac wrote on May 30th, 2015 at 12:52am:
We demonstrate different strengths and weaknesses in performing a range of tasks attuned to our survival, generally along gender based lines in nature....

That is basically what I meant by inequities.

Now you are really getting slippery PhD. That is no proper reply.

Kindly answer the questions I posed to you.  Smiley
You have plenty to say, and I am asking you where you actually  'root' yourself.

Emma wrote on May 29th, 2015 at 10:54pm:
But maybe you actually mean ....

Rather,   you are trying to say we both, female AND male, are provided with 'different' but equal, inequalities.? HMmm?

.......................... ?

Emma wrote on May 29th, 2015 at 10:54pm:
Of concern to me ,though, is that you might actually have this as your paradigm. . Is this your core belief.? 
Maybe you believe you really are superior to a female, just because you are a male.  I 've heard that one before, believe me.!
. Are you joking or what.??

Spare us your obfuscation and answer, in the spirit of open communication.... else we will be forced to come to our own conclusions.
Surely you want to be understood.?   Smiley
Just like the rest of us.?
I know how much fun  being enigmatic can be .  It really just comes naturally, doesn't it.?

I think that I have been clear to be honest. Further, I am not "obfuscating" at all.

Once again, I am sorry if I have not been clear to you.

However, to be fair (to me) you took one sentence that you did not agree with. I have already pointed out why that sentence was firstly relevant but, also, that it was not an a description of "my position" in its entirety.

So, that ONE sentence is not my core belief and, since we are being frank - it appears somewhat disingenuous to even suggest it, given the overall context.

You are never forced to come to any conclusion by the way, your conclusions are always totally your choice regardless of information at hand, facts available, context, rationality or further explanation. I am sure we all like to be "understood" but at the end of the day, it is not a pre-requisite to getting on with life.

I would love us to reach some understanding, hence, I have written more in with that end in mind, however, when your words already indicate a clear conclusion please spare me the  inherent threat of being "forced" to come to a conclusion.

Thanks for your considered reply PhD. 
From all that you have said,  I still don't see where you have acknowledged that our differences don't equal inequality on the basis of the physical being. ( your words suggest the opposite)
I will, however, accept in good faith, that you do NOT consider women inferior due to physical or mental attributes.

I will conclude that you see our respective weaknesses as compatible, and equal. In Nature and Now.

Have I put your position correctly, and succinctly.?

Sad that you can't just come out and say so. Please advise if I have reached the wrong conclusion. Smiley

Because, our natural differences do not make us unequal.

" I will, however, accept in good faith, that you do NOT consider women inferior due to physical or mental attributes."

More is the pity that you cannot see that is exactly how it is. I have not at any point inferred that I consider women inferior. As I see it, and very simply put, we are two different genders of the same species. Some things blokes are "more equal" (if you like) and some things women are "more equal" at, at least right until we run into social constructs that, for the main fail to recognize and acknowledge the strengths of one gender...

I think it is our respective strengths that are compatible, I suspect the equality bit should flow back and forth to some degree...

I have to take you on about that Phem. I think gender occurs along a continuum. IT is this we grapple with most.

Some men are suited to the traditional roles of women and should be encouraged and supported in their endevours, likewise women.

This polarising of the sexes is what has got us into all of this trouble in the first place.
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Re: Womens Biggest Issues Are ...
Reply #489 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 12:50am
Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 1st, 2015 at 1:26am:
Emma wrote on Jun 1st, 2015 at 1:01am:
me either

Then we are in agreement lol.

Seriously, you know what I reckon?

Women should just get over it and get on with it.


Well, we know that any real, long term sustainable changes in male/female inequality must start from the bottom from within the home. Any other way provokes a battleground which ultimately wastes time and energy....OUR time and energy.

Life's too short and all that....

Good grief!
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Re: Womens Biggest Issues Are ...
Reply #490 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 12:51am
Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 1st, 2015 at 1:34am:
If men persist in being beastly unfair about gender equality, then we won't marry them or bear their children.

Let's see how they like that!

(See, we do have some leverage after all lol  Tongue)

What the hell are you smoking?

You are aware how long feminism has been a cause for. aren't you?
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« Last Edit: Jun 4th, 2015 at 1:06am by mothra »  

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Re: Womens Biggest Issues Are ...
Reply #491 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 1:02am
I think that same sex marriage and the fuss being made over Bruce Jenner becoming Caitlyn Jenner advance the cause of equality.

We as a society are beginning to see things in ways other than those that polarise us.

We need to accept that gender occurs along a continuum ... but i've said that already, nothing new.

Phem, what i think you are struggling with is the very premise of modern feminism. It is not about men and women .. it is about the masculine and the feminine and what we as a society value.

Much of the sickness in our society comes from not valuing the feminine. We are not as caring and nurturing as we could and should be. We are not creative enough. We are more focused on the micro than the macro. We take problems in isolation and look for solutions to that problem, rather than looking at the whole of the issue and starting from the ground up. We are uni-focused and intent on dealing with the immediate, without thought to the wider implications.

We value strength and cunning over stamina and thoughtfulness.

The whole argument about the patriarchy comes down to societys values and what are they driven by? The media, money, power and success.

We have the opportunity as individuals to challenge that. The more of us who challenge it the better.

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Re: Womens Biggest Issues Are ...
Reply #492 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 1:06am
Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 1st, 2015 at 1:34am:
If men persist in being beastly unfair about gender equality, then we won't marry them or bear their children.

Let's see how they like that!

(See, we do have some leverage after all lol  Tongue)

Leverage, how does that thought process help the problem? I mean seriously - sound's like you come from the same women who say " I wont give you sex for 6 months if you don't do as I say- "    Roll Eyes
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Re: Womens Biggest Issues Are ...
Reply #493 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 1:09am
Agnes wrote on Jun 4th, 2015 at 1:06am:
Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 1st, 2015 at 1:34am:
If men persist in being beastly unfair about gender equality, then we won't marry them or bear their children.

Let's see how they like that!

(See, we do have some leverage after all lol  Tongue)

Leverage, how does that thought process help the problem? I mean seriously - sound's like you come from the same women who say " I wont give you sex for 6 months if you don't do as I say- "    Roll Eyes

That's if she had someone to have sex with.

As it is, sh'e just talking out of her arse. And quite counter-productively too. Not that that's a new thing.
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Re: Womens Biggest Issues Are ...
Reply #494 - Jun 4th, 2015 at 1:10am
The idea that the only power women have is the power OVER men is HIGHLY offensive.

We can manage to get poo done all by ourselves, thankyou very much.
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