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Coalition's Newstart obligations fuel unemployment (Read 3732 times)
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Coalition's Newstart obligations fuel unemployment
Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:28am
With unemployment sitting at a 10 year high at 6.4 percent you would think that the government would be concerned but its not. Of course the government resorts to the usual blame game.
That is blame the unemployed themselves. If you find yourself still unemployed despite your best efforts to find work you are a victim not a criminal. The argument the government uses is the the unemployed are lazy or too picky in the type of work they want, that is utter B*#L  S&*T !.

There are some who don't want to work but the majority do, no sane self respecting individual wants to stay on welfare for the rest of their lives. The problem is that the work that is available is almost always skilled or highly skilled and almost all the low skilled positions are reserved for the corrupt 457 industry. Its no coincidence that with the rise of 457 workers so to follows the rise in Australians being the right to employment. Society needs to change the language it uses when referring to job seekers. To be called unemployed is a deeply offensive term, it suggests some one who chooses not to work. Of course this suits the government fine after all job seekers are the most hated and vulnerable group in society. If you are denied the right to work you are regarded as a criminal and not the victim. And here is the crux, if you have exhausted every avenue to find work and you find your self beaten out to jobs by someone with a foreign passport you are actually a victim.

You are a victim of discrimination by the employer who is using the 457 as a weapon against you and you are a victim of societal prejudice by people who have never been in your situation. In July next year the government will implement changes that will force the unemployed to apply for 40 positions a month at the same time jobseekers will have to undertake 15 hours of voluntary work a week. On one hand job seekers will be expected to spend more time looking for work but at the same time they will be expected to spend 15 hours on top of that that with voluntary work.

The reason why this will ultimately fail just like Work For The Dole is because job seekers will begin to view looking for work as a chore rather than a challenge. They will look for ways to streamline the process by applying for any old job to fill the quota. The problem is of course that any old job these days is being filled by foreigners courtesy of "you guessed it" the 457.
If we had an industry that only allowed only Australians the right to work it would be called racist but the 457 is fine by the government and employers.

There was a time when high unemployment was a concern for governments back then it had a program called the Commonwealth Employment Service C.E.S. It sounds ground and compared with what passes for employment assistance these days, it was. When the coalition came to power in 1996 it was quickly disbanded. The fact that employment was falling at the time made the move seem less destructive than it actually was. The problem is that that there has never been an effective replacement. With the government choosing to out source employment services to the private sector the emphasis has changed from helping the unemployed to making money off them. In a nut shell there is no national employment service for job seekers to turn to, almost all the low skilled positions are automatically filled with 457 workers and the result is unemployment is rising.

Whats the governments solution ? To help job seekers through training programs ? NO !

To create employment be ending the 457 industry ? NO !

Their solution is to punish the victim by blaming them. Whats the governments mantra you might ask. "We can't help you until you help yourselves " Well thats fine in a world with out employer to applicant discrimination and the 457 industry but thats not the the world we are living in.We have been fed the lie of globalisation where someone from from overseas is entitled to work that should be reserved for Australians, where a company can outsource its workforce to a poorer country to please it share holders and we have a government that  not only allows but actually encourages both practices. Never mind the fact that these are two of the main causes of unemployment.

In short, jobseekers rather than being viewed as the victim in all this immorality are actually viewed as the criminals. It would be  like blaming the disabled for being disabled. Australia's rising unemployment is the result of the importation of cheap foreign workers, the export of low skilled position to those same countries and a heartless government that has chosen to privatise employment assistance. The sooner those with the privilege of a job "and it is a privilege these days not a right" see the real reason why unemployment is rising they might have some sympathy for the victims rather than the perpetrators. As unemployment continues to rise, people need to realise that its government policies that are largely to blame
for this. The government could legislate to stop Australian companies shipping jobs off shore, it could end the corrupt 457 scheme that sees 100,000 Australians with out a job and it could re introduce a national employment assistance scheme but it chooses to do nothing. Instead it blames the victim and makes the rest of society do the same. For these reason and many more the government's Newstart obligations will only lead
to a further growth in unemployment.
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« Last Edit: Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:40am by fractalign »  
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Its time
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Re: Coalition's Newstart obligations fuel unemployment
Reply #1 - Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:34am
We have nearly 800 000 unemployed and rising fast under LNP, we have 200 000 jobs available, Tony makes it open slather on 457s , no restrictions, as many as you like.

Go Team Australia, hmmmmmm
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Re: Coalition's Newstart obligations fuel unemployment
Reply #2 - Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:41am
Gina gets cheap Filipino labor for her mines and Tony gets her patronage.

I cant see what the problem is  Cheesy
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Go the Bunnies
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Re: Coalition's Newstart obligations fuel unemployment
Reply #3 - Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:43am
fractalign wrote on Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:28am:
The problem is that the work that is available is almost always skilled or highly skilled and almost all the low skilled positions are reserved for the corrupt 457 industry

So there was no unemployment before 457 was introduced?  Roll Eyes

fractalign wrote on Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:28am:
There are some who don't want to work

Yes so what's wrong with a policy designed to get them off their arses?

fractalign wrote on Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:28am:
To be called unemployed is a deeply offensive term, it suggests some one who chooses not to work.

I guess you could call them 'public servants'. But that would offend them more  Grin


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Re: Coalition's Newstart obligations fuel unemployment
Reply #4 - Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:47am
Tony Abbot is a foreigner himself. His true loyalty lies with the military industrial complex and big business and its share holders. He has no loyalty with the Australian people. He is the worst prime minister this country has ever had the Coalition are idiots for not realises that he is their worst enemy.

The sooner they dump him the better for the rest of us.
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« Last Edit: Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:54am by fractalign »  
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Ex Member

Re: Coalition's Newstart obligations fuel unemployment
Reply #5 - Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:47am
Unemployment can happen to anyone at any time.  Those that are working today, could be the ones that are unemployed tomorrow.      Sad
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Re: Coalition's Newstart obligations fuel unemployment
Reply #6 - Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:52am
Swagman wrote on Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:43am:
fractalign wrote on Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:28am:
The problem is that the work that is available is almost always skilled or highly skilled and almost all the low skilled positions are reserved for the corrupt 457 industry

So there was no unemployment before 457 was introduced?  Roll Eyes

There has always been unemployment but only a fool would argue that the 457 has not worsened it. If there are 100,000 foreign workers in this country than there are 100,000 Australians being denied those positions. The problem is that that the minute you dare to question this racist policy you are labelled a racist, well I guess that makes me a racist. Its simple maths, no 457 and the unemployment drops 100,000.

fractalign wrote on Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:28am:
There are some who don't want to work

Yes so what's wrong with a policy designed to get them off their arses?

fractalign wrote on Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:28am:
To be called unemployed is a deeply offensive term, it suggests some one who chooses not to work.

I guess you could call them 'public servants'. But that would offend them more  Grin


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Re: Coalition's Newstart obligations fuel unemployment
Reply #7 - Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:58am
Unemployment can happen to anyone at any time.  Those that are working today, could be the ones that are unemployed tomorrow.      Sad

Its for that reason alone that people should realise why this government is so toxic when it comes to labelling the unemployed as scum. The way this government is expending the 457 no one with a job should feel safe anymore.
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DaS Energy
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Re: Coalition's Newstart obligations fuel unemployment
Reply #8 - Aug 10th, 2014 at 10:04am
fractalign wrote on Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:47am:
Tony Abbot is a foreigner himself. His true loyalty lies with the military industrial complex and big business and its share holders. He has no loyalty with the Australian people. He is the worst prime minister this country has ever had the Coalition are idiots for not realises that he is their worst enemy.

The sooner they dump him the better for the rest of us.

Abbott so hates Australians he refused to become one, so when he 28 his mum stepped in and made him one.

Soon as his mum did this Abbott shot home to his beloved England till they could not tolerate him anymore, so back here he come to take it out on us for his mum making him Australian.
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Re: Coalition's Newstart obligations fuel unemployment
Reply #9 - Aug 10th, 2014 at 10:04am
Swagman wrote on Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:43am:
fractalign wrote on Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:28am:
The problem is that the work that is available is almost always skilled or highly skilled and almost all the low skilled positions are reserved for the corrupt 457 industry

So there was no unemployment before 457 was introduced?  Roll Eyes

fractalign wrote on Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:28am:
There are some who don't want to work

There are plenty of people who don't want to work and many of those already have jobs, as far as getting people motivated goes, it  might get them off their arses but it won't get them jobs if those positions are being reserved for foreigners. And here in lies the problem, it seems the focus of the government is not to get the unemployed into paid work but to keep them active with unpaid work and job seeking activities that amount to nothing in the long run. If they ended the 457 there would be 100'000 more Australians with jobs and the ones who refuse would no longer have an excuse. I am not at all convinced that the government wants the long term unemployed back into work, not when it has the 457 in place.

fractalign wrote on Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:28am:
To be called unemployed is a deeply offensive term, it suggests some one who chooses not to work.

I guess you could call them 'public servants'. But that would offend them more  Grin


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« Last Edit: Aug 10th, 2014 at 10:10am by fractalign »  
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Beware of cheap imitations......

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Re: Coalition's Newstart obligations fuel unemployment
Reply #10 - Aug 10th, 2014 at 10:10am
DaS Energy wrote on Aug 10th, 2014 at 10:04am:
fractalign wrote on Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:47am:
Tony Abbot is a foreigner himself. His true loyalty lies with the military industrial complex and big business and its share holders. He has no loyalty with the Australian people. He is the worst prime minister this country has ever had the Coalition are idiots for not realises that he is their worst enemy.

The sooner they dump him the better for the rest of us.

Abbott so hates Australians he refused to become one, so when he 28 his mum stepped in and made him one.

Soon as his mum did this Abbott shot home to his beloved England till they could not tolerate him anymore, so back here he come to take it out on us for his mum making him Australian.

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Re: Coalition's Newstart obligations fuel unemployment
Reply #11 - Aug 10th, 2014 at 10:12am
Unemployment can happen to anyone at any time.  Those that are working today, could be the ones that are unemployed tomorrow.      Sad

And thats looking more likely as Abbott sends Aussie jobs overseas and imports 457 visa holders to fill whats left.
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Go the Bunnies
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Re: Coalition's Newstart obligations fuel unemployment
Reply #12 - Aug 10th, 2014 at 10:25am
Unemployment is not a government responsiblity .
people are the owners of thier own labour and are free to sell this labour into a labour market.

People are the owners of their own personality and looks and are free to sell their personilty and looks into the dating market.

If you have a dud personailty and are a fatty with acne, you work on improving yourself so that you can aquire a date. you do not whinge to the government.

If you have unattractive features like laziness, poor literacy, poor numeracy or a bad attitude, you work on improving yourself so that you can aquire a job.
you do not whinge to the government.
free self improvement courses are available thru "work for the dole" and i'd suggest those in need of polishing their package partake with enthusiasm
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Beware of cheap imitations......

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Illawarra NSW
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Re: Coalition's Newstart obligations fuel unemployment
Reply #13 - Aug 10th, 2014 at 10:27am
fractalign wrote on Aug 10th, 2014 at 9:52am:
There has always been unemployment but only a fool would argue that the 457 has not worsened it. If there are 100,000 foreign workers in this country than there are 100,000 Australians being denied those positions. The problem is that that the minute you dare to question this racist policy you are labelled a racist, well I guess that makes me a racist. Its simple maths, no 457 and the unemployment drops 100,000

457 was introduced because there were jobs available and not enough takers.
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Re: Coalition's Newstart obligations fuel unemployment
Reply #14 - Aug 10th, 2014 at 11:11am
aquascoot wrote on Aug 10th, 2014 at 10:25am:
Unemployment is not a government responsiblity .
people are the owners of thier own labour and are free to sell this labour into a labour market.

Employers aren't buying. Lackbrain idiots have so poisoned the well for the jobless that being "unemployed" carries more social stigma as being an "alcoholic". The only REAL difference between someone who is employed and someone who is unemployed is that the unemployed do not have jobs. Everything else is just a mythical stereotype with no basis in fact.

People are the owners of their own personality and looks and are free to sell their personilty and looks into the dating market.

If you have a dud personailty and are a fatty with acne, you work on improving yourself so that you can aquire a date. you do not whinge to the government.

Unemployed people have every right to complain about a lack of support from the government when the Prime Minister of that government is perpetuating the same lies and stereotypes that poison the well against the unemployed and so make it harder for the unemployed to find work. (Job snobs? Really?) The unemployed have a hard enough time of it as it is. The last thing the unemployed need is an uncaring government that shows them no respect.

If you have unattractive features like laziness, poor literacy, poor numeracy or a bad attitude, you work on improving yourself so that you can aquire a job.
you do not whinge to the government.
free self improvement courses are available thru "work for the dole" and i'd suggest those in need of polishing their package partake with enthusiasm

Why do you keep parading your utter wilful ignorance? You very clearly know nothing about the topic, otherwise you wouldn't post such rubbish. Comparing unemployment to dating? REALLY? Do you go around dating by distributing resumes and application letters to everyone you meet?  Grin Grin
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