aquascoot wrote on Aug 11
th, 2014 at 7:44am:
The only business that would like high unemployment would be EB games, foxtel and blockbuster video.
Your implication that the unemployed are lazy is highly offensive (and I'm sure you do it on purpose). This sort of well-poisoning fkwittery is not helpful.
Quote:this is the big problem for the unemployed and why I keep telling them that talking doom and gloom like crook or greenswin is death to your employment prospects. its why I keep telling them that getting a job (a good job) is like getting a good date.
you have to put in effort.
Here is your patronising attitude coming out again. You haven't got a clue. Do you really think the unemployed aren't looking for work? Do you really think someone who's applied for 1,000 jobs isn't trying?
I doubt you've applied for 1,000 jobs in your frigging LIFE. Yet there's at least 100,000 unemployed people in this country, right now, who have cracked that milestone since they last held a steady job. That is 100,000,000 unsuccessful job applications. Is there something wrong with what they are doing? Not usually. The only real problem is the inconvenient gap in the resume and the attitude among employers who think it fit to reject applicants with gaps in their work history. An unemployed person hasn't a chance in the current job market. Not because they are not trying, but because the rest of society has unfairly stigmatised the unemployed by perpetuating myths and stereotypes that have not been current for 40 years.
Quote:it isn't going to just happen and having a negative attitude is something an employer or a customer can pick up on immediately. the slacker has a certain 'stench of failure" about him.
If you've applied for 1,000 jobs and not got one of them, you would not be optimistic either.
Quote:he needs an attitude change before his employment prospects will be going anywhere.
Yes, an attitude change is needed - but not for the unemployed person. The attitude chance that is desperately needed is among the employers who will not hire anyone with gaps in their employment history, and the idiots in society as a whole who make life hard for the unemployed by stigmatising unemployment.
Your attitude is definitely in need of adjustment, with your unwarranted slurs against the unemployed, your offensive patronisation and your general ignorance. I'm sure you do it on purpose because nobody who is sane would keep repeating the same lies and filth after being proven wrong.