Its time wrote on Aug 10
th, 2014 at 7:21pm:
As we all eagerly anticipate the return of question time to our TV screens, we can sit back and ponder all of the excellent new original LNP policies encompassing job creation and a nice clearly articulated plan on where we're going and wait for there announcement.
I wonder how Australia's number one negotiator Sloppy Joe is going begging , I mean bribing , I mean talking to the cross benchers to support his crap budget, he may of brought chief negotiator Tony in to flex some political muscle, I am sure the crossbenchers would've capitualted.
Surely after the budget being implemented some 3 months back, a stitch, just a single stitch of progress has been made, because coming up a year, they need something to be remembered for other than embarrassing gaffes, consistent back flipping and trying to recycle told old Howard policy that failed dismally way back.
Well, no.
I find it to be totally unwatchable since September.
It's a travesty, and a national embarrassment, having to watch this
incompetent sham government and its puppet Speaker destroy the
very fabric of parliament.
Fools, traitors, or both, every last one of them.