There are economic causes to the spread of knowledge, as you’ve hinted at. The Saudis, now hugely wealthy, have the wherewithal to spread their version of religion, and so they have.
Just as the American version of Christianity, Pentacostalism - a school that promotes a direct spiritual relationship with God - has spread in line with US hegemony.
The Billy Graham Crusades of the 1950s and 60s, while not Pentacostal but deeply American in the pioneering (and freemarket) spirit of the reachings, influenced every Christian denomination in the West, from Anglicans to Catholics. Being "born again" only became a mantra after Billy Graham popularised this idea. It followed, of course, the elevation of America in geopolitical terms post WWII - just as the nations of Saudi Arabia and Qatar are influencing the Muslim world today.
Wealth creates knowledge, and vice versa. It will be interesting to see what China does with its influence. At present, China seems to be importing religions - Pentacostalism is the fastest growing religion there. Inevitably, I think, there will be Party-approved Confuscious or Buddhist schools rising in China. The unique thing about the rise of East Asia economically, is that there have been no ethical or religious movements spreading with the wealth - the odd whackyJapanese cult notwithstanding.
The Saudis are a cult of their own. The rest of the Middle East is far from uniform. As the centre of three world religiins, the Middle East is one of the most heterogenous regions in the world. The Saudis are showing themselves to be quite the colonizers with their promotion of the most fundamentalist, austere brand of Islam.
In the 1970s and 80s, Saudi loans funded global development.Now, after the fall of the Iron Curtain, the same money is funding Al Qaida, ISIS, and a host of Middle Eastern revolutions and civil wars in the name of the most rigid form of fundamentalism in the world today.
Like Dick Cheney, I blame God. He put the oil under the "bad guys’" land. Cheney, of course, wasn’t talking about the Saudis, a people himself and the Bush family were happy to do business with. Cheney was talking about Iran, Ghaddafi and Saddam.
By taking out their enemies, Cheney and Bush promoted a power shift back to the influence of the Saudis - who, ironically, were responsible for September 11.
When your country is torn apart by war, as Afghanistan, Iraq, and a host of neighbouring countries are, it’s very hard to "choose" which brand of religion to follow. Most have no choice.
But Saudi Arabia? A land of milk and honey. They’re rich, well-fed, and have wives, mothers and Philippino housekeepers to cater to their every whim. What is it about the Saudis that makes them the biggest bastards in the world?