Soren wrote on Aug 16
th, 2014 at 10:04pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Aug 16
th, 2014 at 7:03pm:
Soren wrote on Aug 16
th, 2014 at 6:49pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Aug 16
th, 2014 at 12:53am:
Adamant wrote on Aug 15
th, 2014 at 11:46pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Aug 15
th, 2014 at 11:27pm:
Adamant wrote on Aug 15
th, 2014 at 10:55pm:
Please define "Islamophobes"
It is the multiple of "Islamophobe", Adamant.
Please define "Islamophobe".
Islamophobe - one who suffers from Islamophobia.
And before you ask
Islamophobia So one mustn't dislike or be prejudiced against an ideology?
No, that isn't what it says, Soren. Try again.
That is precisely what it says - prejudice against a political ideology. Islam is a political ideology.
*SIGH*, no that is not what it says, Soren. It states:
Quote:Dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force.
"against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force." The word "especially" means a special condition. However, the normal form of Islamophobia is "dislike or prejudice against Islam or Muslims" and that is what you and so many here suffer from, Soren.
Do you really have such problems reading English? Or is this just another symptom of your dislike or prejudice against Islam?
Quote:What's wrong with being utterly unsympathetic to all its premises and teachings and all the actions committed and performed in its name? Why do I have to like the bloody thing??
You don't but you have to tolerate it and it's adherents when they are not breaking any laws, Soren. Intense dislike, to the point of hatred which is unreasoning is bigotry.
Quote:I think it is detrimental to free human beings. It needs to be tempered but it resists all tempering and it is tearing itself apart and is drawing everyone else into its death throws. Islam is a force for suppression of creativity, free and open human relations, it is against equality, against the dignity of women, it is a terrible burden on its devotees and it is a threat to all who do not embrace it.
Depends upon which interpretation of it's teachings we're discussing, Soren. You treat the adherents and the entire religion as being monolithic which it is demonstrably not. At various times and in various places, Islam and Muslims have encouraged creativity, they have seen the flowering of culture, art, science and understanding and tolerance. You however, appear to believe that Islam and Muslims have been intolerant and uncreative throughout it's entire history and across all Muslim cultures and societies. Just as we've seen fundamentalist Christianity turn it's back on culture/art/science, so we are seeing fundamentalist Islam doing the same thing and for the same reason - it challenges their interpretation of their faith.
Quote:I do not see anything in Islam that is an improvement of the human condition. It is all negative.
All? Obviously you've never travelled in any Muslim countries, Soren. You are, as I've always maintained one of the best graduates that a Madrassa has ever produced with your intolerance, your hatred and your bigotry. You are the mirror image of the Islamic fundamentalists you rail against and your views would not be out of place in their ranks.
Quote:18c me.
Not worth the bother.