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Australian Politics
Posts: 744
Anyone in his right mind wouldn't give a heroin addict more heroin. You wouldn't give an alcoholic more alcohol. You wouldn't allow a pedophile to care for children. But we STILL allow kleptomaniacs to make more money, we allow them to handle the world's finances, print the money, own banks, run the media, run politics and wage wars in their insatiable thirst for money and power. How stupid is that?
Money and power addiction (kleptomania) is a mental illness. Ultimately they don't care for money. Money is only a tool for them to get power and material goods. It's been around for thousands of years and is the cause for huge misery. Dictatorship, slavery, wars, bloodshed. Usually the addicts will do anything to get their fix. And they never got enough. First they want a few millions, then they want hundreds of millions, then billions, then trillions. They are hopelessly addicted. They conspire with other addicts to form gangs, secret societies.
Together they are much more effective. They fund political parties from left to right in all countries. "Divide And Conquer" is their game. The kleptomaniacs are neither left nor right. Instead they divide the public into left and right, they fund both sides and turn them against each other, while the junkies themselves stay on top... They own the media, they run international organizations like the UN, IMF, CFR, Nato, WHO. They control the reserve banks in all countries. They are in control of the money printing, they own the banks, the pharma and all major corporations. They control armies, the arms industry and the secret services.
Their biggest enemy is transparency. They cannot stand intelligent, knowledgeable, self thinking people. They need brainwashed sheeple. Before the arrival of the internet they had a firmer control on information. Most people "knew" the world from newspapers, radio and TV. The media is all conveniently censored to hide the actions of the power junkies . But with the arrival of the internet the dam started to leak. More people ask questions, connect dots and realize their are being lied to. The leaks are getting bigger, the huge mass of landless people threaten to break the dam. In my view the next peoples' revolution is not far away. The power junkies can see it too. That's why they are raising the ante, militarizing police forces everywhere and orchestrating conflicts. You think Putin and Obama have a conflict? I don't. They're just paid actors, puppets who are both controlled by the same oligarchs. Behind the scenes Obama and Putin phone each other and make jokes. Wars are only meant for the sheeple, to keep them down. The media plays the plot. It's like a movie. If you believe it, you fall for it and you get caught in their net.
Whatever is happening in the next few decades I think we need to seriously look at these power junkies and discuss on how we deal with them. I think anyone who is not happy with 10 or 20 million dollars is mentally ill. And I have no problem with intelligent, committed and hard working businessmen having a personal wealth of around that figure. Anything more is pure addiction and only creates misery for everyone else including the addicts themselves. We need to cap wealth to ensure fairness. Yes, some piss poor people are lazy and unwilling and they deserve to be poor. But today we see hundreds of millions of people worldwide, and hundreds of thousands in Australia alone, who are hard working but cannot get out of poverty. Australia is a really good example. Australia has plenty of land, but most people don't own a single square meter of land debt-free. While in some countries overpopulation is part of the poverty problem, that is certainly not the case in Australia. Most land in Australia is owned by the richest and by the government. And not because they're working so much harder, NO! Not because the landless people are all lazy, NO! Because the system was designed that way. it's corrupted.
EVERY decent, full time working person should own a simple house with some land debt-free. There is more than enough land for that to be possible. And we shouldn't have to slave 30 years for some billionaire bankers to get it. We are not supposed to fund their money and power addiction. To comfort their mental illness. Our politicians from left to right are useless puppets, whatever they say. The righties serve the wealthiest, full stop. The lefties do the same but act like they care for the poor. Leftist cunning foxes. I even prefer a right wing as.hole politician, just because he is easier to see through. Left wing as.hole politicians are more cunning. They hide the fact that they're licking the as.es of billionaires.
We need to understand that money and power addiction is a mental illness. We need to cap their wealth, just like a drunk person in a pub is denied more drinks. We need to stop these insatiable kleptomaniacs from buying politicians and waging wars. Trust me, even if they owned EVERY square meter on this planet, and 99.9% of all other people were renting and slaving and being micro chipped like cattle, the addicts would STILL not be happy. They would still demand more. They are NEVER satisfied. NEVER, NEVER, EVER. They want MORE and MORE and MORE and they will try to get it as long we allow them.
These hopeless addicts need to be stopped, stripped of their assets and put in mental care. There are plenty of intelligent and sane people who can run things better.