Quote:Such as?
Gay pride. Reclaim the night. What do you think the Sydney mardis gras is? A Greens rally?
Quote:Oh I know FD. You yourself described public statements by muslim leaders condemning violence and extremism as a sinister tactic to "bide their time" to ensure the inevitable islamic takeover was done properly.
Like the British Imam who responded to 9/11 by saying it was wrong to kill innocents, then told his congregation in Arabic that only Muslims are innocent. Even Abu made laid out this strategy. Apparently it is somehow unIslamic to go on the offensive from a position of weakness. You bide your time until you are in a position of strength. Muhammed himself was all peace and love until he was in a position to start the head hacking.
Quote:Its foolproof - we either ignore what they say and pretend they don't say anything, or we don't ignore it and brand their words as taqiyya.
Words are merely the beginning Gandalf. If you expect that telling people what they want to to hear is all it takes to make people ignore the link between islam and terrorism you are just naive. You are right that they will be painted as falling short either way, because they are.
Quote:And we'll damn well ensure it stays that way!
Muslims will make sure it stays that way, because Islam compels them to. ISIS is no grand conspiracy. It is Muslims doing what Muhammed did. It is not 'us' making Islam look bad. It is Muslims. There is a limit to how much victimhood you can claim on behalf of Islam. Islam does not look bad because we are putting a negative spin on ISIS. Islam looks bad because ISIS really are old school Islamic head hackers.
Quote:FD, I remember you used to argue with me about this sort of thing.
WHen did the scales fall from your eyes?
When I started talking to Muslims about it.
Quote:Like I said, it makes no sense for this minority to march down the street chanting "Hey! We agree with you [the dominant group] - ISIS sux!!"
Just like it makes no sense for catholics to speak out against pedophile priests? That is what people do Gandalf. If Muslims could do the same thing, it would not take them centuries of misery and slaughter to shake off the lunatics.
Quote:But if you're talking about muslims in muslim-majority nations, perhaps the whole arab spring thing skipped your attention.
When the Arab spring sprung, Abu predicted it would give birth to something like ISIS. We all thought his goose was cooked and the Muslims were finally joining the civilised world. I think you were even around at the time. Now look who got it right. Without western interference, they would be marching on Baghdad and within a lifetime would probably have the same territory Muhammed obtained.
Quote:But while its really classy and all of you to mock muslims for fighting and dying for freedom - it was kinda my point I was making to Soren - that muslims can and do stand up against oppression by their own people.
They stand up against the wrong flavour of oppression.