Phemanderac wrote on Aug 30
th, 2014 at 9:19am:
Now what I mean by that, the West has interfered in the Middle East for a long time (I am not talking about the intentions here, because, at least some of that "interference" was well intended, just poorly administered). As such, we have some responsibility in having facilitated the current problems there.
so what are your thought on the Ukraine?.. at this very moment they believe Russia is going to WAR with them Russia being MIGHTY.. Ukraine being a sitting duck...
so what do you say... look the other way.should they call for help?..
history tells us Churchill faced the same "Its none of our Business" in 1939
how would you administer either?????
Phemanderac wrote on Aug 30
th, 2014 at 9:19am:
t would be nice to think that we (the so superior) West could do some significant self reflecting and recognise our own part in generating the "problems" in the world, however, I am doubtful that we as a people have the integrity en masse or the self confidence en masse to be able to accept that burden and still feel ok about ourselves...
why do you say that???... if trying to stop one group of people annihilating another... [for reasons that usually escape myself] abhorrent
what do you call turning a blind eye?..
I would be more ashamed if we went about our business as if all this killing wasnt happening..
for me to see heads hanging on fence posts...
that tells me something is very very wrong somewhere...
no it isnt on our shores... but what if it were.. and the rest of the world turned a blind eye.. and said..
well basically get on with it none of our business!
please dont tell me thats not what you are saying because thats the way it comes across.
you call it interfering...I call it going to someones aid in a crisis... someone who is usually weaker than we are.