Soren wrote on Sep 4
th, 2014 at 11:51am:
Don't tell me we don't have enemies any more, only friends whose grievances we are yet to accommodate?
I must admit, old boy, I'm struggling to understand who these enemies are.
An ADF spokesman was on 7.30 the other night trying to pitch the government's message. The message he was selling was that we need to defend "Western values" and our alliance with the US. He repeated these things a number of times in the interview, which told me he was following the government's script.
There was no mention of humanitarian issues, preventing genocide or defending Shi'ites and Christians in Northern Iraq. For the ADF spokesman, it was all about our loyalty to the US and the vague, abstract notion of defending Western values.
All good reasons maybe, but I would have thought that defending innocents from slaughter would be a much easier sell.
We gave up promoting Western values in Iraq when we propped up the Shi'ite administration of Al Malaki. Mind you, we did make sure they privatized oil distribution before we pulled out, so there's
As for our loyalty to the US, it would seem Mr Abbott is much more keen to follow Uncle into this one than Obama is to go in.
Oh, and Mr Abbott's polling seems to be improving, so it's a win-win for all.
Another example of correlation not causation, eh?