red baron wrote on Sep 12
th, 2014 at 10:21am:
Just a clarification Karnal, when I said that's how Vietnam started out; I was referring to how the U.S. and Australia and allies got involved in the conflict.
I understood what you meant, Red. Vietnam, Korea and the Berlin Wall were the exceptions in the Cold War as they were actual wars (or, in the case of Berlin, very nearly a nuclear war).
The rest of the world went with either superpower without, in most cases, an actual fight. Like other colonies, Middle Eastern states went straight from their former colonial masters to Uncle or Russia.
The Arab Spring was the natural consequence of the end of the Cold War. Without well-organised puppet governments in countries like Egypt, Lybia and Tunisia, their populations voted with their own feet (or weapons). Either way, they got to vote for the first time.
Trying to understand local civil wars and conflicts without an understanding of the bigger picture will lead to problems. Likewise, describing local conflicts solely in reference to universal signifiers like the Domino Theory or the Clash of Civilizations is equally flawed.