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The age of aquarius (Read 3517 times)
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The age of aquarius
Sep 3rd, 2014 at 8:52pm
Rudolf Steiner[edit]

Rudolf Steiner believes that the Age of Aquarius will arrive in 3573 AD. In Steiner’s approach to the astrological ages, each age is exactly 2,160 years. Based on this structure, the world has been in the Age of Pisces since 1413 AD. This approach is based on a different astronomical basis compared to most approaches to the astrological ages. Steiner utilizes the stars at 15 degrees from the vernal point as indicative of humanity’s stage of evolution which explains why his ages appear about one half an age earlier compared to most rectifications. In the Age of Pisces, people have to develop their own individuality. In the next Age of Aquarius, people can have a spiritual brotherhood but if the brotherhood came now, people’s individuality would not be strong enough. Rudolf Steiner has spoken about two great spiritual events: the return of Christ in the ethereal world (and not in a physical body), because people must develop their faculties until they can reach the ethereal world; and the incarnation of Ahriman, Zoroaster’s “destructive spirit" that will try to block the evolution of humanity.[19]

-Excerpt from Wikipedia's age of aquarius page

Now in order to comprehend this post, it is known that we are currently in the age of Pisces. Interestingly, the age of Pisces represents duality which is a concept that we see everywhere. We have science vs religion, democracies in politics and many more examples of duality.
Human beings are in fact dual beings, representing aspects of both good and evil.

The age of aquarius is about the transformation of humanity, a realisation on a mass scale that we are one one, different aspects of consciousness but unified. In order to know this we must travel beyond the dualism -- that is, the self-serving nature of humanity. If a majority of the people managed to transcend this self-serving nature, we would move into a new phase that is quite hard to imagine given the current state of the world.

The quote given was just one man's view, Rudolf Steiner, the founder of theosophy, and it is rumoured that he served the Illuminati. In fact many of these secret society founders did so, but that doesn't mean ignore it because something valuable could be obtained if you look through the trash.
There are many variations of the age of aquarius -- many people have different beliefs about when it starts/started (some believe it started in 2012, correlating with the end of the world "conspiracy") and perhaps what it represents.

On a site by the name of redline it says that a "benign secret society" behind the scenes is working to bring about the age of aquarius through the globalisation of the world - known by the "tinfoil hat" crowd as the NWO. It seems to me as if it is propaganda and that redline is in fact an Illuminati puppet. Such applies to the new age movement, which starts out as an honest revolution of thinking has been hijacked to achieve a malevolent agenda. It is important to know that the Illuminati work best wearing masks - convincing the people that an idea or intent is born of good will when really it is to achieve the opposite. This is how Hitler started off, and this is how it remains to this day.
So pushing a new age movement as a globalisation of a religion is quite a good strategy. It is also vital to note that the New Age movement encourages people to be ignorant of people trying to violate your freewill e.g physical abuse in the lowest forms to the highest (low being a disagreement in a forum such as ozpolitic, high being the intent to take somebody else's life), and also includes rape, fraud, basically any crime against a human written in a book of law. This would also extend to the idea of ignoring every single event that has taken place in history up until now -- notably the many wars, which have been orchestrated by the Illuminati in the first place! Hence the reason why freewill and submission to a one world government/new world order would be beneficial for their agenda.
The Illuminati could perhaps create a globalisation/NWO and guise it as the transformation into the Age of Aquarius, except they will force people to do this rather than the individual getting to that point themselves, and achieve this by forcing us into a globalised belief system/religion and punishing those who question it. I believe this would be achieved via technological means rather than the common sense of man.
The Illuminati have orchestrated a show and by giving us a distorted version of "freedom" we have, in turn, created our own orchestrations. The people now think that freedom extends to being able to rape and kill and scam/manipulate others for their own selfish ends, without realising that they are violating other's freewill which does not really equate to freedom. So in a nutshell, they are psychologically manipulating us (or intending) into thinking that freedom cannot exist at all and the only way to live a free and fruitful life is to give up our common sense, our minds and our real freedom to them, who will claim to have a better alternative because man is clearly not smart or responsible enough to do it themselves, yet they were the ones who planted the seeds. So technically it is our fault and we are paving our paths to destruction, but it is done in a way where we will not know any better.

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Nothing would be what it is,
Because everything would be what it isn't.
And contrary-wise - what it is, it wouldn't be.
And what it wouldn't be, it would.
You see?

- Lewis Carroll
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Re: The age of aquarius
Reply #1 - Sep 3rd, 2014 at 9:16pm
The destructive spirit, as Steiner calls him Ahriman, could be considered the Illuminati, or rather the consciousness of that, has been very successful in destroying our spirits so that there is little hope in us advancing beyond this materialistic world where history continually repeats itself and brings us nowhere -- and it is only getting worse, for those whose spirits are asleep.

There must be a return of the "Christ consciousness" in order for there to be an Age of Aquarius that is not forced upon us technologically and robotically, which would then mean nothing -- but rather with our own willpower if that is what we desire. Keep in mind that although you may be spiritual, you may have a natural tendency to be of a Satanic consciousness. This concept is not acknowledged by many New Agers because their idea is that anything born of evil intent is of a physical nature and therefore an illusion. I suppose evil has a positive; it can wake people up. Only the evil actions of the world has lead me to the point that I am at now, and without it I would not be writing this at all. I'm not saying that I am spiritually advanced, I am well aware of the fact that I am far down the ladder and have a long road ahead of me. The road in itself is dangerous and risky because I could get hijacked by the evil consciousness of the Illuminati.

I personally believe that at this stage there is only one way that an age of Aquarius type enlightenment can occur and that is under the control of the tyranny of the Illuminati consciousness, where spirit will be destroyed and in its place will be that of a technologically engineered consciousness, if you could call it that. Our soul will still exist but it would be very, very weak to the point it would not even be aware of itself. I think this is the major purpose of everything that is going on right now in the world, the weakening of the soul and the spirit. Most people think that evil is born of money and psychopathy, but it goes much deeper than that.
Perhaps the human individual would need to have an age of Aquarius of its own body rather than the entirety of Earth's population, because one cannot force the willpower of another to transcend -- if we did this, we would be but a puppet of the Illuminati.
So how do we do this, many will ask? There are methods, one of the major one is to "stay awake" try to be aware in every moment of your life. We tend to go into trances while watching TV or reading a book, or even daydreaming. It is in this state that we are most susceptible to the Illuminati. Sometimes we are not even aware of our thoughts, which can be strong mechanical reactions to things we see on TV or out on the street. If we are in an irritated mood we will react angrily to silly things like somebody walking in front of you, cutting you off in the process or by somebody accidently bumping into which, which brings us into a frenzy of psychotic rage and we often look back on these incidents and think, "why did I get so angry?" It is these silly and petty little thoughts that can destroy the Christ consciousness within us, because we don't even try to have understanding of why the incident occurred. Most of the time it is just an accident and does not require us react in such a manner.
Taking on employment within the careers of military, politics and police force to name a few, is another potential killer because it forces us into following a doctrine that will make us act mechanically. We may be forced to kill somebody we might initially think doesn't deserve to be killed, or we might force to pass on a new bill that we don't necessarily agree with and would not help the population at all. It's also wise to know that the Illuminati originally planted the seeds of such institutions in the first place.
Now to the other extreme -- ignorance. I respect new age philosophy and admire the willpower one exerts by transcending petty dualities but if someone is intentionally hurting you constantly and you are just letting them do it, you should have the entitlement of defending yourself. I'm not saying kill the person but you can disarm them to a point that they will stop. It isn't a silly "do unto others" or "eye for an eye" concept that doesn't really resonate with a "love and acceptance" thought process, it's just fairness, because the danger of extreme ignorance can lead to your own self-destruction. Consider it a case of "tough love".
I think true spiritual transformation can occur with a balance, an awareness of both good and evil.
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Nothing would be what it is,
Because everything would be what it isn't.
And contrary-wise - what it is, it wouldn't be.
And what it wouldn't be, it would.
You see?

- Lewis Carroll
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Re: The age of aquarius
Reply #2 - Sep 3rd, 2014 at 9:27pm
Duality is about subject and object, its about opposites and our state of consciousness.

Both the Buddhists and the Kabbalists talk about Duality and present an entirely different concept in comparison to what you have pointed out in your post.

In Kabbalism Duality exists below the veil called Daath. Theres three Sephiroth above Daath and seven below it.

The Buddhists also refer to Duality as our natural state of existence and that we must rise above it in order to become Enlightened.
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Re: The age of aquarius
Reply #3 - Sep 3rd, 2014 at 9:48pm
The Buddhist view is sort of similar to mine?
My 'version' is just stating how dualistic our nature is, such as the science vs religion argument, good vs evil, and that could include subject vs object as well. I'm just applying it to the common belief of what the age of Pisces is supposed to mean, as religious doctrines are very cryptic.

How goes the research into Kabbalism? That is one thing I haven't ventured into yet but very much intend to, as I've been told that it is the key to understanding many things that the Illuminati does and supposedly freemasonry derived from this (or was it the other way around?)
Gnosticism is also something I will look into. Have you ever been to montalk dot net? That guy is really smart and does a lot of research into ancient teachings.
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Nothing would be what it is,
Because everything would be what it isn't.
And contrary-wise - what it is, it wouldn't be.
And what it wouldn't be, it would.
You see?

- Lewis Carroll
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Re: The age of aquarius
Reply #4 - Sep 3rd, 2014 at 10:13pm
Freedumb wrote on Sep 3rd, 2014 at 9:48pm:
The Buddhist view is sort of similar to mine?
My 'version' is just stating how dualistic our nature is, such as the science vs religion argument, good vs evil, and that could include subject vs object as well. I'm just applying it to the common belief of what the age of Pisces is supposed to mean, as religious doctrines are very cryptic.

How goes the research into Kabbalism? That is one thing I haven't ventured into yet but very much intend to, as I've been told that it is the key to understanding many things that the Illuminati does and supposedly freemasonry derived from this (or was it the other way around?)
Gnosticism is also something I will look into. Have you ever been to montalk dot net? That guy is really smart and does a lot of research into ancient teachings.

The Kabbalah, i.e. the Tree of Life, is an incredibly comprehensive symbol that provides so much information its unbelievable. The system of the Tarot fits together with the Tree of Life like bric-a-brac.

The Golden Dawn System is based heavily upon the Kabbalah as well as Tarot and Astrology. One of the original members of the Golden Dawn, Alan Bennett, gave it up to become a Buddhist and he once stated that Golden Dawn system, and therefore the Kabbalah, was second rate compared to Buddhism.

The difference between the two is that the Kabbalist system is based heavily upon magic ritual whilst Buddhism is based heavily upon meditation.

Unfortunately, the Golden Dawn, along with the works of Helena Blavatsky and the Theosophists, as well as people bringing in Eastern influences, were used to bring in todays 'new age movement'. Its just old knowledge being rehashed for the goals of the Elite and their big agenda.
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Re: The age of aquarius
Reply #5 - Sep 3rd, 2014 at 10:17pm
Freedumb wrote on Sep 3rd, 2014 at 9:48pm:
The Buddhist view is sort of similar to mine?
My 'version' is just stating how dualistic our nature is, such as the science vs religion argument, good vs evil, and that could include subject vs object as well. I'm just applying it to the common belief of what the age of Pisces is supposed to mean, as religious doctrines are very cryptic.

How goes the research into Kabbalism? That is one thing I haven't ventured into yet but very much intend to, as I've been told that it is the key to understanding many things that the Illuminati does and supposedly freemasonry derived from this (or was it the other way around?)
Gnosticism is also something I will look into. Have you ever been to montalk dot net? That guy is really smart and does a lot of research into ancient teachings.

Nope. But i'll give it a listen.
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Re: The age of aquarius
Reply #6 - Sep 3rd, 2014 at 10:20pm
I gathered as much. It's like religion, it is all pretty much rehashes of each other, throw in a few different names, different words, etc. But I think there are a lot of hints and good pointers throughout all of the literature, it's just a matter of discernment and wading through the garbage to find something worthy or valuable.
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Nothing would be what it is,
Because everything would be what it isn't.
And contrary-wise - what it is, it wouldn't be.
And what it wouldn't be, it would.
You see?

- Lewis Carroll
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Re: The age of aquarius
Reply #7 - Sep 3rd, 2014 at 10:20pm
Just had a look at the website.

I saw something about "Nordic aliens" and switched off straight away.

Looks like a typical new age site.

If you want real information in reguard to the truth then watch this;

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Re: The age of aquarius
Reply #8 - Sep 3rd, 2014 at 10:29pm
Freedumb wrote on Sep 3rd, 2014 at 10:20pm:
I gathered as much. It's like religion, it is all pretty much rehashes of each other, throw in a few different names, different words, etc. But I think there are a lot of hints and good pointers throughout all of the literature, it's just a matter of discernment and wading through the garbage to find something worthy or valuable.

Don't get me wrong; the Kabbalah when used with Astrology and the Tarot is brilliant for helping a person know and understand more about themselves.

The Tree of Life is like a map of the universe and corresponds to so many things in life you'll be surprised.

The Tree of Life glyph can be used to show the faculties of the mind, the human body, the solar system and anything in life be it animals, plants, herbs, incenses, metals, wood etc... can be found to correspond to at least one of the Sephiroth.

Take the fifth sephiroth for example, Geburah; it corresponds to the following; the number 5, the colour red, Mars, war, revolution, energy, tobacco, pine wood, iron, horses, and many more and the same goes for all the other sephiroth. Many practicing magicians use the Kabbalah for their rituals as well as other sources like grimoires etc...

Buddhism on the other hand is where you've had enough of the illusion of life and want complete liberation. I rate Buddhism above all other systems. Its not for me though, im not ready for that sort of thing.
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Re: The age of aquarius
Reply #9 - Sep 3rd, 2014 at 10:30pm
Yeah he claims to have had experiences with aliens and what not, but if you give him a chance he's got a really good grasp on things -- he actually disagrees with a lot of the new age stuff.
His view on the NWO is that aliens have already taken over the world and are pushing the agenda, but to me regardless of who the Illuminati are is irrelevant; it's the what and the why, and the consequences.
I'm downloading that video you referenced through clipgrab, excellent tool in saving handy youtube clips  Smiley especially when things tend to get taken off.

Off topic, but I take it you don't believe in aliens or that they have anything to do with what's going on?
What are your reasons?
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Nothing would be what it is,
Because everything would be what it isn't.
And contrary-wise - what it is, it wouldn't be.
And what it wouldn't be, it would.
You see?

- Lewis Carroll
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Re: The age of aquarius
Reply #10 - Sep 3rd, 2014 at 10:32pm
Freedumb wrote on Sep 3rd, 2014 at 10:30pm:
Yeah he claims to have had experiences with aliens and what not, but if you give him a chance he's got a really good grasp on things -- he actually disagrees with a lot of the new age stuff.
His view on the NWO is that aliens have already taken over the world and are pushing the agenda, but to me regardless of who the Illuminati are is irrelevant; it's the what and the why, and the consequences.
I'm downloading that video you referenced through clipgrab, excellent tool in saving handy youtube clips  Smiley especially when things tend to get taken off.

Off topic, but I take it you don't believe in aliens or that they have anything to do with what's going on?
What are your reasons?

The video I posted will give you the what and the why.

I understood it the second time I watched it, but I have to warn you; you may not be ready to wake up yet.
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Re: The age of aquarius
Reply #11 - Sep 3rd, 2014 at 10:36pm
Taipan wrote on Sep 3rd, 2014 at 10:32pm:
Freedumb wrote on Sep 3rd, 2014 at 10:30pm:
Yeah he claims to have had experiences with aliens and what not, but if you give him a chance he's got a really good grasp on things -- he actually disagrees with a lot of the new age stuff.
His view on the NWO is that aliens have already taken over the world and are pushing the agenda, but to me regardless of who the Illuminati are is irrelevant; it's the what and the why, and the consequences.
I'm downloading that video you referenced through clipgrab, excellent tool in saving handy youtube clips  Smiley especially when things tend to get taken off.

Off topic, but I take it you don't believe in aliens or that they have anything to do with what's going on?
What are your reasons?

The video I posted will give you the what and the why.

I understood it the second time I watched it, but I have to warn you; you may not be ready to wake up yet.

Don't worry, I am more than ready. I'm sick of the BS aspect of life, always known that something isn't quite right and that it isn't all it seems, and that money, economics, Hollywood celebrities etc are essentially a joke and we are so much more than this. As far as waking up goes I am only a quarter of the way through and that's being generous -- I also believe we don't actually "wake up" completely until our bodies die.
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Nothing would be what it is,
Because everything would be what it isn't.
And contrary-wise - what it is, it wouldn't be.
And what it wouldn't be, it would.
You see?

- Lewis Carroll
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Re: The age of aquarius
Reply #12 - Sep 3rd, 2014 at 10:40pm
Freedumb wrote on Sep 3rd, 2014 at 10:36pm:
Taipan wrote on Sep 3rd, 2014 at 10:32pm:
Freedumb wrote on Sep 3rd, 2014 at 10:30pm:
Yeah he claims to have had experiences with aliens and what not, but if you give him a chance he's got a really good grasp on things -- he actually disagrees with a lot of the new age stuff.
His view on the NWO is that aliens have already taken over the world and are pushing the agenda, but to me regardless of who the Illuminati are is irrelevant; it's the what and the why, and the consequences.
I'm downloading that video you referenced through clipgrab, excellent tool in saving handy youtube clips  Smiley especially when things tend to get taken off.

Off topic, but I take it you don't believe in aliens or that they have anything to do with what's going on?
What are your reasons?

The video I posted will give you the what and the why.

I understood it the second time I watched it, but I have to warn you; you may not be ready to wake up yet.

Don't worry, I am more than ready. I'm sick of the BS aspect of life, always known that something isn't quite right and that it isn't all it seems, and that money, economics, Hollywood celebrities etc are essentially a joke and we are so much more than this. As far as waking up goes I am only a quarter of the way through and that's being generous -- I also believe we don't actually "wake up" completely until our bodies die.

Well if you want to know about death then the Buddhists give what sounds to me to be a pretty good explanation of the process of dying. Its quite a comprehensive explanation actually.

Try reading a book called "Luminous Emptiness" by Francesca Fremantle.
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Re: The age of aquarius
Reply #13 - Sep 4th, 2014 at 12:15am
Taipan wrote on Sep 3rd, 2014 at 10:29pm:
Freedumb wrote on Sep 3rd, 2014 at 10:20pm:
I gathered as much. It's like religion, it is all pretty much rehashes of each other, throw in a few different names, different words, etc. But I think there are a lot of hints and good pointers throughout all of the literature, it's just a matter of discernment and wading through the garbage to find something worthy or valuable.

Don't get me wrong; the Kabbalah when used with Astrology and the Tarot is brilliant for helping a person know and understand more about themselves.

The Tree of Life is like a map of the universe and corresponds to so many things in life you'll be surprised.

The Tree of Life glyph can be used to show the faculties of the mind, the human body, the solar system and anything in life be it animals, plants, herbs, incenses, metals, wood etc... can be found to correspond to at least one of the Sephiroth.

Take the fifth sephiroth for example, Geburah; it corresponds to the following; the number 5, the colour red, Mars, war, revolution, energy, tobacco, pine wood, iron, horses, and many more and the same goes for all the other sephiroth. Many practicing magicians use the Kabbalah for their rituals as well as other sources like grimoires etc...

Buddhism on the other hand is where you've had enough of the illusion of life and want complete liberation. I rate Buddhism above all other systems.

Me too, but you’ll be pleased to know Australian Aboriginals also used a form of the Kabbalah.
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Re: The age of aquarius
Reply #14 - Sep 4th, 2014 at 12:18am
Freedumb wrote on Sep 3rd, 2014 at 10:36pm:
Taipan wrote on Sep 3rd, 2014 at 10:32pm:
Freedumb wrote on Sep 3rd, 2014 at 10:30pm:
Yeah he claims to have had experiences with aliens and what not, but if you give him a chance he's got a really good grasp on things -- he actually disagrees with a lot of the new age stuff.
His view on the NWO is that aliens have already taken over the world and are pushing the agenda, but to me regardless of who the Illuminati are is irrelevant; it's the what and the why, and the consequences.
I'm downloading that video you referenced through clipgrab, excellent tool in saving handy youtube clips  Smiley especially when things tend to get taken off.

Off topic, but I take it you don't believe in aliens or that they have anything to do with what's going on?
What are your reasons?

The video I posted will give you the what and the why.

I understood it the second time I watched it, but I have to warn you; you may not be ready to wake up yet.

Don't worry, I am more than ready. I'm sick of the BS aspect of life, always known that something isn't quite right and that it isn't all it seems, and that money, economics, Hollywood celebrities etc are essentially a joke and we are so much more than this. As far as waking up goes I am only a quarter of the way through and that's being generous -- I also believe we don't actually "wake up" completely until our bodies die.

Maybe, but I doubt you wake up in death if you don’t wake up first in life before death.

Death, apparently, is a very confusing process. It needs to be well prepared for.
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