mantra wrote on Sep 12
th, 2014 at 5:13am:
longweekend58 wrote on Sep 10
th, 2014 at 8:48am:
shorten doesn't give crap where they are built. he just thinks there are votes in it. that's all he ever does.
Shorten should have had the guts and integrity to stand up to Abbott and not agreed to ultimately support the contract. A $40 billion injection to Japan with our money! With so many industries going offshore and work being outsourced - where is the loyalty from our leaders? Shorten won't score points over his compliance.
Every submarine, aircraft, bus or train we've imported has had huge problems and ultimately ended up going way over budget.
Some military hardware has problems some does not, it depends on the level of new technology involved; F-35 yes, F-111 yes, both F-18's no, C17 No. If we blunder down this path again, the problems will compound because the ASC if friggen clueless and not very good at building subs.
As for loyalty, how about some loyalty to those that have to man these subs, what about their livelihood or their lives for that matter?
If the ASC wasn't so crap, they would hve been considered; it is their fault they are no longer considered as a viable shipbuilder. You want to point the finger, point it where it belongs.