Soren wrote on Sep 15
th, 2014 at 8:30pm:
You have never, ever, EVER, EVER condemned Islamic attrocities with the zeal you jump on anyone condemning Islamic attrocities.
Feeling the pressure, Soren? Good.
I don't condemn people for condemning Islamic atrocities if they condemn only the perpetrators, Soren. Unfortunately you and your compatriots rarely do, you invariably ascribe to all Muslims any such atrocities which are committed only by a minority.
As for my condemnation of Islamic atrocities. No I don't. I condemn Muslim atrocities. Detect the subtle difference? I also suspect that my condemnation would be too measured for you, who resorts to and prefers outright bigotry and hatred for all Muslims.

How about you? Have you ever, ever condemned the persecution of Muslims with the zeal you condemn Muslims for any of the slightest infringement you imagine them to have committed? Still waiting to see you stand up for innocent Muslims suffering from the sort of religious persecution you peddle in all your posts. Oh, wait, that can't work, can it, condemning yourself?