bogarde73 wrote on Sep 12
th, 2014 at 11:25am:
A thinker & a doer?
He thought about stuffing things up and he did it.
Yeah, most politicians just idle. This guy didn't sit around doing nothing. He got on with things, and maybe, you're right, he mucked things up in the process. Maybe we should stick with mediocre, do-nothing politicians because they're safer and more sensible.
Bobby. wrote on Sep 12
th, 2014 at 11:55am:
The way he speaks, for one: that 'Schoolkid reading a book to the class' voice he uses. It's not normal. It's not manly. It's affected. He sounds like a precocious ten-year old who's in love with himself
I never thought of calling it a "Schoolkid reading a book to the class" voice. That's a very interesting way of describing it.
Bobby. wrote on Sep 12
th, 2014 at 11:55am:
* All the posturing
* the monologues about himself -- always about him
* the Bates Motel type voices and facial tics
* the self-pity -- invariably when he's caused the problem himself
* the blaming of others - when he's to blame
* the attempts to sound like fifty different people simultaneously
* the weirdness
* the petulance
* the temper tantrums, like a spoiled brat
* his utter self-absorption to the exclusion of everyone, everything else
* his self-promotion - which isn't matched by reality
* his vengefulness
* his spitefulness
* his unfettered, massive, beyond belief size ego
* his conceit
* his impotence
* his self-serving disloyalty
It sounds like Rodney McKay in Stargate Atlantis.
Bobby. wrote on Sep 12
th, 2014 at 11:55am:
He seems to believe he is a combination of Churchill, Menzies, JFK, Caesar, Einstein, John Wayne and an entire battalion of Rhodes Scholars, plus
That's funny, because he doesn't even sound like Churchill. He sounds like he's talking in front of a classroom of high-school students. He even talks like a high-school student!!! The way he gives speeches, he sounds like some of the people doing oral presentations in English classes when I was in high school. It's that dot-point, checklist way of speaking, where you fire off a list of arguments, but don't really speak in a fluent or eloquent manner. Kevin Rudd's speeches don't flow. He always sounds like he's being patronising.
I would much rather listen to the sabre rattling of Bob Katter.