The body that represents geologists and many engineers has questioned the transparency of the 457 skilled migration program.
And the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) says it found the Immigration Department virtually impossible to deal with on the issue.
The Institute was one of many industry bodies that put submissions into a review, the 'Integrity Review of 457 Visa Program'.
The review, which was instigated by the Assistant Immigration Minister Michaelia Cash, was released by Immigration Minister Scott Morrison this week.
AusIMM CEO Michael Catchpole says it's obvious the job market has changed radically in the last few years, but that's not reflected in the list of jobs that can still be applied for under a 457.
"We have unemployment amongst geoscientists of 15 per cent and above nationally.
"And for mining engineers, and metallurgical and chemical engineers, it's closing in on 10 per cent.
"I don't think it can be realistically argued that those occupations should be left on a 457 visa occupation list."
Holders of 457 skilled worker visas make up less than 3 per cent of a mining workforce, estimated at around 250,000 people.
They are considered to be key personnel with skill sets not readily available in Australia.
The program has been operating since 1996, but has been politically charged in recent times.
Unions have campaigned against it and the former ALP federal government instigated a reform called 'labour market testing'.
One of the 22 recommendations made in the review is for labour market testing to be abolished.
That has universal support from industry, but Mr Morrison has already made it clear he is unlikely to pursue that, as he doesn't think the measure would clear the Senate.
Minerals Council says specialist engineers still needed
The Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) argues there's still a need for engineers to remain on the list of professions for 457 visa applicants.
And it questions the number of unemployed engineers and geologists as claimed by AusIMM.
Director of training and education at the MCA, Dr Gavin Lind, says the lists take into account the medium-term requirement, not short-term fluctuations in the jobless rate.
"That looks at the medium term, and we simply don't know enough about what we will happen in five years' time, so we cannot remove them from the list.
"It's very hard to bring it back on to the list and it's an option to bring in skilled engineers as needed.
"And it's not all engineers or geoscientists out of work. The AusIMM released a report with those figures and remember they apply to their members."