Australia has prescribed 19 terrorist organisations. All 19 are Muslims organisations. One is a Kurdish separatist one, but Kurds are Muslims. So this single one is not a terrorist for Muslim purposes but is still an organisation of Muslims. The other 18 are explicitly Islamic.
But the numpties and the dissemblers and the mendacious liars would have us believe that Islam has nuffin' to do wiv nuffin'.
You look at the world today, the tensions, the wars, the deaths, the persecutions - it's overwhelmingly about Islam. With multiculturalism and mass migration, the bloody borders of Islam are everywhere.
The world is not suffering from the Mormons, the Presbiterians, the Jews, the Sikh, Shintoists, Taoists, Buddhists, Catholics, Anglicans and yes, Lutherans.
Islam is the answer to the question: 'what ails the world'?