Logistics & Aviation Services and Maintenance
Security & Intelligence Training and Assessments
Intelligence, Communications and Technical Resources
US Government and Corporate Executive Protection Services
Communications, Technical Services and Equipment in “Conflict Zones”
Government and Corporate Security in “Conflict Zones”
Washington DC Offices and Cleared Services
ISIS provides worldwide security, intelligence, technology and training to government and private enterprises. ISIS is strategically positioned across the globe, with a highly credentialed management team and personnel. We have a superlative track record for delivering exceptional service and support to the most demanding of clients in the most challenging of circumstances.
About ISIS
ISIS has demonstrated expertise and success in performing mission-critical tasks at home and abroad. Our personnel have been trained and tested—often decorated—in the fields of combat, security, intelligence and more. We are ISO 9001 certified, with effective processes for successful contract man- agement. Our management team has decades of combined, relevant experience. Our commitment to our clients is uncompromising, our integrity is unquestioned. READ MORE